- Start the setup by double-clicking, or, if you need to modify preset parameters, open an administrative command line and enter the setup command with the desired parameters.
- Follow the dialogs in the setup.
- The data directory will contain the WORK/CACHE/ARCHIVE area. You can configure the archive area separately after the setup (Media-Management in management studio).
- Under the heading “Enter E-Mail Parameters" you may leave the parameters empty and enter them at a later time in the management-studio.
- Under the sidecar-service-URL, instead of localhost, you must enter the IP of the server hosting the service-manager. It doesn't matter whether or not the address or the dms-sidecar microservice can already be accessed.
- Start the installation.
- Immediately initialize the database.
- Do not start the service yet.
- Start To start the server:
- Run the "enaio_red_dms-servicew.exe" file in the <server>\bin directory.
- (Optional) Enter the technical (Windows) user in the "Log On" tab.
- (Optional) Modify the log directory in the "Logging" tab.
- In the "Java" tab, modify the "Maximum memory pool" value to the desired maximum amount of working memory for the dms-service (see the System Requirements for recommendations).
- In the "General" tab, click "Start" to start the server.
- Watch the log file <server>\logs\dms-service.log with a logging program such as Baretail for the successful (or not) start of the server.
- The server has been successfully started when a large "enaio" logo is displayed as ASCII-art.
- Modify the Data Directories:
- WORK / CACHE / ARCHIVE can be configured in the management-studio (menu-entry Media)
For optimal confguration of the media sets please see: Configuring media settings for optimal harddisk / inode usage - The JBoss data und temp directories can be configured using the JVM-options jboss.server.data.dir and jboss.server.temp.dir.
- WORK / CACHE / ARCHIVE can be configured in the management-studio (menu-entry Media)
- Modify the Log Directory:
- In the directory <dms-service>\bin, run the enaio_red_dms-servicew.exe file:
- In the Logging tab, change the log path and if desired, change the routing for stdout and stderr.
- In the Java tab, in Java Options, modify the values for -Djboss.server.log.dir and –Dorg.jboss.boot.log.file
- In the directory <dms-service>\bin, run the enaio_red_dms-servicew.exe file:
Start the setup by double-clicking.
- Follow the dialogs in the installer.
- The HTTP-Port determines through which port the rendition-plus service can be contacted. If you deviate from the default 8090, you must modify the service-manager configuration file application-red.yml accordingly.
- In "enaio Rendition sidecar" enter the IP address of the server hosting the service-manager. Important: is only valid if both services are installed on the same machine. If not, you must use the externally-visible IP address.
- Complete the setup but do not start the service yet.
In the file <rendition-plus>\webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\config\config.properties, modify the maximum size of the rendition cache with the cache.maxsize parameter if the preset of 500 GB does not fit your needs. The smaller you make the cache size, the more often existing rendition files are displaced and have to be created again when requested by a call.
- Start To start rendition-plus:
- In the directory <rendition-plus>\bin, run the "enaio red rendition-plusw.exe" file.
- (Optional) In the "Log On" tab, enter the technical (Windows) user.
- (Optional) In the "Logging" tab, modify the log directory.
- In the "General" tab, click "Start" to start the server.
- In the Windows Services Manager, restart the service-manager.
- After a successful restart, in the Spring Boot Admin, the service-manager displays whether rendition-plus is correctly available.
- Modify the Data Directories:
- In the <rendition-plus>\bin directory, run "enaio red rendition-plusw.exe".
- In the "Java" tab, under Java Options, set the temp directory with the JVM option Djava.io.tmpdir. You can use the options –Dcatalina.base and –Dcatalina.home to set the Tomcat work directories.
- In the file <rendition-plus>\webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\config\config.properties, you can modify RenditionCache specific data directories.
- To modify the Cache directory, use the sor.root key.
- To modify the Jobs directory, use the job.root key.
- To modify the Temp directory, use the temp-base key.
- To modify the Database-Root directory, use the db.root key.
- In the file <rendition-plus>\webapps\renditionplus\WEB-INF\classes\config\config.properties, you can modify RenditionPlus specific data directories.
- The temp directory can be adjusted by the temp-base key.
- Modify the Log Directory:
- In the <rendition-plus>\bin directory, run "enaio red rendition-plusw.exe".
- In the "Logging" tab, modify the log path and, if desired, set up or change the redirects for stdout and stderr.
- In the <rendition-plus>\conf directory, open the logging.properties file and modify all lines that correspond to a *.directory key. (As a rule, $(catalina.base) corresponds to the rendition-plus root directory.)
- Open the <rendition-plus>\webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.properties file in a text editor.
- Modify the log4j.appender.OsRenditionCacheLogFile.File key to change the path of OsRenditionCacheLogFiles.
- Modify the log4j.appender.JobMonitoringLogFile.File key to change the path of JobMonitoringLogFiles.
- Open the <rendition-plus>\webapps\renditionplus\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.properties file and modify the log4j.appender.RenditionPlusLogFile.File key to change the path of RenditionPlusLogFiles.