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  • 16 Jan 2020 - page created (Inga)
    ToDo - short term - the information of the endpoints should be available as a brief overview (similar to the core API overview endpoint tables). A link to the provided Swagger UI should point the system integrator as well as the administrator into that direction. Background - if you do not have the yuuvis® installed yet the Swagger UI won't be available (e.g.

    Located in all available controller should be described somehow - including the information from the Jira issues's description (

    Note: for accessing the admin-controller special roles are needed for the Administrator. Similar behavior for the System Integrator - a special role needs to be assigned to be able to set up calls - check the rights for the other controller as well ...

  • For a quick try out without the need to install yuuvis® Momentum, consider our yuuvis® Ultimate SaaS (Software as a Service) offer. Keep in mind that you need to set up a (free) account.

    (error) LINK to the SWAGGER UI and back ...

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NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje08 FEB 20212.4New page properties macro.


The higher-level API of the Web-API Gateway on top of the core, as it is useful for client application developers.


The endpoints can be used to build custom clients. We do our best to keep the Web-API Gateway as stable as possible, however, we reserve the right to introduce changes with each major release.

>> Web-API Gateway (API-WEB Service)

All endpoints are available via the Swagger-UI https://<host>/api-web/swagger-ui.html.

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