colour | Blue |
title | Review |
Priority | 2 |
Product Version |
Report Note |
Assignee | Max |
Resources & Remarks - This tutorial should eventually replace the System Hooks page in this directory, as the content of that page will be moved to a concept page.
- Information on Configuration in On-Premise systems that should be moved to a different article:
Run Configuration Running the Java application to register the service must include a number of parameters to communicate the services' existance and contact information to the Discovery Service. Find the full list of required parameters below: Name | Value | Description |
---| | <active profiles> | Profiles available and running within your system, defining in which Profiles the Interceptor will be active | | <protocol>://<config url> | URL of the Configuration service endpoint where the service can recieve system information | eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address | true | Decides whether the Webhook service will register using its host name or its host ip. | eureka.instance.ip-adress | <your host ip> | Define host ip, and host base url when used in conjunction with the previous parameter. |
Modification History Name | Date | Product Version | Action |
Antje | 08 FEB 2021 | 2.4 | New page properties macro. |