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name | enaio_doku_18-02-2019_Zusammenfassung1802.pdf |
height | 250 |
Note that the services in the table are sorted with thought - insert new ones where they fit best. - configuration profiles for rendition service?
- Link Tutorials or Concept articles!
- AD/AK => Check what happend to good old DISCOVERY - I understand it is somewhat redundant within k8s, but still check it.
=> für Kubernetis nicht notwendig - nur für windows cloud notwendig | kleine Kunden für E-Mail-Anbindung - POs fragen wegen Doku - KOLIBRI => client services - done by Max and Jürgen Widiker, updated by Inga with the new ones like architect etc..
- BPM / User => Inga added the info and handed it over for review (ERA-7508)
Modification History Name | Date | Product Version | Action |
Antje | 08 FEB 2021 | 2.4 | New page properties macro. | Martin | 16 MAR 2021 | 2.4 | Added tenant management API, management console API & client | Antje | 17 MAY 2021 | 2021 Summer | split into core and additional services for new structure |