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Priority2.3 / 2.4
Notepublished - language check outstanding


yuuvis® RAD - Client-side Form Scripting (parts will be taken over and be available with the next version 2.3


Martin B. is working on it together with Manuel and Stevan ...


Note: When field data changes are made using a script (i.e., without user action) when loading the form, the Save option is not available. In contrast, you can disable fields to protect against user changes.

Script Scope 

The relevant object is given to each client script under the name 'scope.' This object provides the API so the scripts can access the object fields and their properties.

Properties of 'scope'



apiSupplies access to the plug-in API, with 'session' (user information), 'dms' (object details, search via DMS-Service), 'http' (connection to any service), 'config', 'util' (helper functions) and 'agent' properties.
dataSupplies all object fields defined in the object or process activity. The fields offer read-only access using the technical name. Available for releases 2017-09-27 (3.22.x) or later.
modelSupplies the flattened form model and all object fields defined on the form. The fields can be accessed with the technical name. The form groups cannot be accessed in this way.

Supplies the current form model situation. Scripts can respond to the relevant situation. Possible values are 'CREATE' (create), 'SEARCH' (search) and 'EDIT' (edit index data).

objectIdSupplies the ID of the current DMS object if available (available since version 6.4).


General object field properties

The following table describes object field properties that can be accessed with 'scope.model'.

Column "Binding"

  1. RO (ReadOnly): ReadOnly properties can only be read. Changes to the values of RO properties do not affect the interface. 
  2. RW (ReadWrite): ReadWrite properties can also be written. Changes to the values of RW properties affect the interface.

Each field has the following properties:


The normalized name of the fields. Normalized means the simple field name is lower case. The name must not contain special characters except one ':'. This name is used to map the fields to the 'model.'

labelThe display name of the type in the current user locale. Used as a field identifier.RO
descriptionA field description. Can be used in tooltips for example.RO

Describes the data type of the field. The possible values here are documented in the description of field data types. Other field attributes may exist, depending on the data type.

readonlyIf the read-only property is set to 'true,' the user cannot change the field value.RW**
requiredFlags a field as mandatory. If this property is set, the user must make an entry.RW
valueThe current value of the field.RW

In case of 'multi' instead of 'single' (equal 'undefined') a list of values can be maintained. A JavaScript array is then always expected in 'value.'

Not every data type supports the 'multiselect' property.


*RO (ReadOnly): ReadOnly properties can only be read. Value changes of RO properties do not affect the interface.

**RW (ReadWrite): ReadWrite properties can also be written. Value changes of RW properties affect the interface.

The following example validates dynamic field properties for required fields and write permissions.




JavaScript data type


STRINGAny text. See also datatype: STRING.StringYes
NUMBERNumber and floating point number. See also datatype: NUMBER.NumberYes
BOOLEANSimple 'on/off' or 'true/false' value.BooleanNo
DATETIMEA date or a date with time value. DateYes
ORGANIZATIONA string field for saving user IDs. The title of the user is shown, or the ID if no title exists.StringYes
IDA string field for saving object IDs. The IDs can be restricted to the specified object types defined in the classification-tag 'id:reference[object type 1, object type 2, ...]. The title of the object is shown, or the ID if no title exists, or '!******' if the object can't be accessed.StringYes
CATALOGA string field for saving elements of a given array in the classification-tag 'catalog[value1, value2, ...]'StringYes
TABLEA table with columns of the above datatypesTableNo


maxlenThe maximum number of characters permitted as a value in this field.RO
minlenThe minimum number of characters permitted as a value in this field.RO

If available, a specific type of text field is described.

  • 'email' to handle this as e-mail input field
  • 'url' to handle this as web address input field
  • 'phone' to handle this as phone number input field
  • 'id:organization' to handle this as user input field
  • 'id:reference [myObjectTpyte,...]' to handle this as object-reference input field
  • catalog[new,draft,review,released,rejected] to handle this as catalog input field

*RO (ReadOnly): ReadOnly properties can only be read. Changes to values of RO properties do not affect the interface.

**RW (ReadWrite): ReadWrite properties can also be written. Changes to values of RW properties affect the interface.


For fields of type integer and decimal the following properties are given:

maxvalueThe maximum number permitted as a value in this field.RO
minvalueThe minimum number permitted as a value in this field.RO

If 'digital' is set the numbers are formatted with a thousand separator, e.g. for Din EN 1,569,345.43 and DE 1.569.345,43


*RO (ReadOnly): ReadOnly properties can only be read. Changes to values of RO properties do not affect the interface.

**RW (ReadWrite): ReadWrite properties can also be written. Changes to values of RW properties affect the interface.


Sample Script: Specifying a date in the future



var m=scope.model;
// The name of the date field is Deadline
var deadline=m['myTenant:deadline'];
// Register the onchange handler
// Next is the logic for what we want to happen if the state changes
function updateDeadlineState() {
  if( isBeforeToday( deadline.value ) ) {
    deadline.error = {msg:'Please select a date in the future.'};
  } else {
    // If the validation error does not occur, we may have to delete a previously-set error
    deadline.error = null;
function isBeforeToday( pDate ) {
Todo: rework not available moment to a different function:
    var date = new Date();
    var today = moment(date).startOf('day');
    return moment(pDate).isBefore(today);


// allowed:
scope.model['tenMytenant:datetime'].value = new Date()
scope.model['tenMytenant:datetime'].value = moment().toDate()
// not allowed, sets the date one day into the past after save:
scope.model['tenMytenant:datetime'].value = moment();


Beginning with version 2.4 tables are supported.

Expects a JavaScript 'Object Array' as a 'value.' The properties of each object are defined by the column elements of the table. See the following example.


Code Block
titleExample: Manipulating table data
 * Example script: Manipulating table data based on index data change.
// Add change listener to field 'myTenant:number'
scope.model.['myTenant:number'].onchange=function() {
    // The current user input on field with the internal name 'myTenant:number'
    var num = scope.model.['myTenant:number'].value;
    // Shortcut to access the table
    var table = scope.model.['myTenant:changes'];
    if(num>0 ) {
        // If 'myTenant:number' is set (greater than 0) we automatically fill the table
        if( !table.readonly ) {
            // The user may not modify the table
            // Copy the current values to a property using lodash
  , _.clone);
    } else {
        // If 'myTenant:number' is not set (less than 0) we let the user fill the table
        if( table.readonly ) {
            // CopyThe user may modify the oldtable
values back to values using lodash       table.readonly=false, _.clone);  }
     // The user may modifyautomatically fills the table if 'myTenant:number' is greater than 0
    //  table.readonly=false;
    and add num rows to the table
    if(num>0) {
 // Cleanup      // Clean up the table by setting a empty deletearray
		table.old_value.length=0;   // changes of a single cell }must be done in an }array variable first, 
 								// automaticallyand fillsthen thethis tablearray if 'myTenant:number' is greater than 0
 has to be pushed back to the table.
  // and add num rows to the table
    if(num>0) {for( i=0; i<num; i++ ) {
            // CleanFor up the table by setting a empty array
		table.value.length=0;   // changes of a single cell must be done in an array variable first, 
								// and then this array has to be pushed back to the table.each 'myTenant:number' add a row
            // Each row is an object defined by the internal names of the column elements.
         for( i=0; i<num; i++ ) {       {
               //   For each ['myTenant:numberaccepted' add a row]: i%2,                   // Each row is an object defined by the internal names of// theBoolean
column elements.             table.value.push(      ['myTenant:created']: new Date() ,        // {Date
                    ['myTenant:acceptedactivedate']: i%2new Date(),     // Another date
                    ['myTenant:author']: 'Marie // BooleanCurie '+i,                     ['myTenant:created']: moment().add(i,'day').toDate(),   // String: Author name with //i Datepostfix
                    ['myTenant:activedateprio']: moment().add(i,'day').toDate()i+.42,     //  Another date                     ['myTenant:author']: 'Marie Curie '+i,    // Decimal
                 // String: Author name with i postfix ['myTenant:company'] : 'OSVH'                      ['myTenant:prio']: i+.42,         // Codesystem - the 'data' values must be used.
 // Decimal          )
        }  ['myTenant:company'] : 'OSVH'// end for num
    } // end                         // Codesystem - the 'data' values must be used.
        } // end for num
    } // end if if num>0
Callback for table 


indexRow index: '-1' for newly-created row. The first row has the value '0'.RO*
copyEnabledControls whether the "Copy and create as new row" function is enabled. You can only edit this synchronously inside the onrowedit.RW**
deleteEnabledControls whether the "Delete row" feature is enabled. You can only edit this synchronously inside the onrowedit.RW
saveEnabledControls whether the "Save row" feature is enabled. You can only edit this synchronously inside the onrowedit.RW
persistedIs 'false' if the edited file was newly created. The property remains 'false' for new rows until the index data is saved. You can use this property to differentiate between a row that has been saved or newly created by the user during the current index data editing.RO
modelProvides access to the model of the current row. With this model, the script can access and modify the values and element properties of the current row.RW

*RO (ReadOnly): ReadOnly properties can only be read. Value changes of RO properties do not affect the interface.

**RW (ReadWrite): ReadWrite properties can also be written. Value changes of RW properties affect the interface.

See how the 'row' object is used in the following example.


Code Block
titleExample: onChange handler for a table cell
scope.model.['myTenant:mytable'].onrowedit = function(table, row){
	// On this element we register a value change handler
	row.model.['myTenant:number'].onchange = function(el, rowmodel) {	
		// The rowmodel provides access to the other elements
		// '['myTenant:number2']' is another element of type 'NUMBER' that is contained in the table element
		// For the sake of example this field is set to readonly, if the user inputs a special number in 'elementNumber'
 other elements
		rowmodel.['myTenant:number2number'].readonly = ( el.value == 42 );


Code Block
// see Manipulating table data
let tableCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(['myTenant:mytable'].value)); //create a copy
for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
	if (i === 0) {
			tableCopy[i].['myTenant:accepted'] = !i%2,                               // Boolean
            tableCopy[i].['myTenant:created'] = new momentDate().add(i+5,'day').toDate(),    // Date
            tableCopy[i].['myTenant:activedate'] = moment().add(i+5,'day').toDatenew Date(), // Another date
			tableCopy[i].['myTenant:author'] = 'Pierre Curie '+i,                    // String: Author name with i postfix
            tableCopy[i].['myTenant:prio'] = i+.00,                                  // Decimal
            tableCopy[i].['myTenant:company'] = 'OSVH'                               // Codesystem - the 'data'Catalog values must be used.
	} else {
    	// For each number add a row
	    // Each row is an object defined by the internal names of the column elements.
            	['myTenant:accepted']: i%2,                              // Boolean
	            ['myTenant:created']: momentnew Date().add(i,'day').toDate(),    // Date
            	['myTenant:activedate']: moment().add(i,'day').toDatenew Date(), // Another date
        	    ['myTenant:author']: 'Marie Curie '+i,                   // String: Author name with i postfix
    	        ['myTenant:prio']: i+.42,                                // Decimal
	            ['myTenant:company']: 'OSVH'                             // String: Element of a catalog
	// do even more fancy data manipulations
} // end for num
table.value = tableCopy;
// see Manipulating table data
