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NameDateProduct VersionAction
Goran18 OCT 20212021 Autumncreated
Agnieszka25 OCT 20212021 WinterrLANG




Table of Contents

Table of Contents
exclude(Table of Contents|Read on|ML Training Pipeline|PREDICT-API Service|Kairos CLI App)

titleBeta Version

The Artificial Intelligence Platform is not included in yuuvis® Momentum installations but only available on request as a beta version.

Platform Concept

The Artificial Intelligence Platform is a set of APIs and tools that enable customers to set up and use AI functionalities by themselves, yet with low costs and high performance.


The Model Training part of the platform is responsible for storing exported data from yuuvis® Momentum (documents, metadata), preprocessing exported data, machine learning training, model evaluation, etc.


  • Exported data repository – a physical place where exported data are stored (local storage, S3, Azure Blob Storage, etc.)
  • Duplicate - ML Training Pipeline – the component responsible for the preprocessing of data, machine learning training, model evaluation, etc. Can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.


The Model Serving part of the platform is responsible for serving predictions to the calling application (yuuvis® Momentum client application, 3rd party applications, scanners, etc.).


  • Model Serving Server – infrastructure that hosts machine learning models that make predictions. Can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. 
  • Duplicate - PREDICT-API Service – responsible for calling appropriate machine learning models, aggregating, improving, and validating results, and finally rendering responses to the calling application.


The whole platform is managed using Duplicate - Kairos CLI App.

