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Page Properties

Product Version
Report Note

Resources & Remarks

Modification History

NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje23 JUL 20212021 Autumncreated
Martin26 JUL 20212021 Autumn


Bratislav29 JUL 20212021 Autumndraft
Antje29 JUL 20212021 Autumnformatting, published
Agnieszka25 AUG 20212021 AutumnrLANG
Martin24 SEP 20212021 WinterAdded the section for starting processes with a startform


Column in yuuvis® clientCorresponding Counterpart in BPM EngineDescription

Description (not available anymore as of version 2021)

Process variable whatAboutThe description that was entered while creating the follow-up.
as of 2021 Winter: SubjectWeb-API Gateway parameter subject, represented as Flowable string variable subjectSet while creating the process.
Created onProcess parameter startTimeThe time the follow-up (process) was created.
Follow-up dateProcess variable expiryDateTimeThe due date that was entered while creating the follow-up.
StatusDerived from process parameters endTime and suspendedPossible values for Status are running, completed and suspended.


Code Block
titleDefinition Example
  "description": "This form is used during process start and both task of process userGroupAssignment",
  "name": "taskform",
  "situation": "EDIT",
  "elements": [
      "name": "core",
      "type": "o2mGroup",
      "elements": [
          "name": "user",
          "labelkey": "userGroupAssignment:user",
          "type": "string",
          "cardinality": "single",
          "required": true,
          "readonly": false,
          "classifications": ["id:organization"]
          "name": "comment",
          "labelkey": "userGroupAssignment:comment",
          "type": "string",
          "required": true,
          "readonly": false,
          "rows": 3
      "layout": {
        "align": "column"
      "name": "data",
      "label": "data",
      "type": "o2mGroupStack",
      "elements": []

If the cardinality of a field is single its type is mapped to the type of the Flowable variable with the same name.

If the cardinality of a field is multi the Flowable variable type is set to JSON and its values are listed in this JSON.