In case you need to extend translations with new keys, please specify translations in the plug-in configuration for each language in your system.
>> Extending Clients with Plug-ins
Language-specific Date, Time and Number Formats
Independently of the availability of a localization file with language-specific terminology, a library-based client can support language-specific date, time and number formats according to the corresponding rules. The supported languages are listed below. Support for languages not listed below can be implemented by the yuuvis® Momentum development team upon request.
Language | ISO code |
Arabic | ar |
Bengalese | bn |
Chinese | zh |
English | en |
Finnish | fi |
French | fr |
German | de |
German (Switzerland)* | de-CH |
Hindi | hi |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Korean | ko |
Latvian | lv |
Norwegian | nb |
Polish | pl |
Portuguese | pt |
Russian | ru |
Slovak | sk |
Spanish | es |
Thai | th |
Ukrainian | uk |