Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Page Properties

Product Version2022 Spring
Report Note

Resources & Remarks

Modification History

NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje11 JAN 20222022 Springcreated for new structure of client documentation
Christoph21 JAN 20222022 Springadding icons for switsches
Christoph25 JAN 20222022 Springdescription of the Inbox as a new chapter
Christoph27 JAN 20222022 Springadding Copying to Hit list area
Christoph31 JAN 20222022 Springmodifying Searching (difference in using dashboard and app bar filter) 
Christoph31 JAN 20222022 Springmodifying History aspect area
Christoph04 FEB 20222022 Springmodifying Inbox
Christoph07 FEB 20222022 Springadding command palette interface to new chapter Navigation by Keyboard (DOKU-2360)
Christoph08 FEB 20222022 Springadded Restoring of an older version to Version View (DOKU-2321)
Agnieszka22 FEB 20222022 SpringrLANG (complete)
Antje25 APR 20222022 Summeradd retention management


An overview of the features provided by yuuvis® Momentum client as reference implementation to demonstrate the usage of the developer libraries.


Main menu icon

Main menu

yuuvis icon

If you left-click the yuuvis® icon while pressing Ctrl, a new tab will open with another dashboard in your browser. If you left-click the yuuvis® icon in the hit list, folder, or object view, the dashboard will appear again.

Create icon

Create object

Search icon

Search (not displayed in the Dashboard view)

Settings menu icon

Settings menu


In the middle of the dashboard, you will find the multi-part search input field.

In the footer area, the objects that you recently created or edited are displayed in the form of a tile row. Click the Recently created or Recently edited buttons below the tile row to select which objects you want to view. If you click the More... button to the right of the objects listed in the footer area, the listed objects are displayed in a hit list.

Navigation by Keyboard

To make all functions and actions in yuuvis® Momentum client as reference application easily accessible, most of the commands can be called without using a mouse. To navigate through the application by keyboard, open the Quick access command palette at any time by pressing the Ctrl key twice. Then, start typing a string to find the command you are looking for.


  • Dashboard

  • Create object

  • In-tray

  • Inbox

  • My follow-ups

  • My processes
  • Retention managment (as of 2022 Summer)
  • Settings

  • About

Object Actions Menu


The suggested actions and processes always refer to the selected object(s). If you select several objects in an object list (such as a hit list) and then click the Object actions icon in the object list area, you can apply an action or a process to several objects.

Replace document file icon

Add as new version

Adds a document file to the selected object in a hit list or in a folder view. Adding a document file automatically creates a new document version.

Copy to clipboard icon

Copy to clipboard

Copies links from one or more selected objects to your operating system's clipboard.

Delete icon


Deletes the selected object. Deleted items cannot be restored.

Download document file icon

Download document file

Downloads the document file of one or more selected objects to the local file system in the original format.

Follow-up icon

Manage follow-up

Creates follow-ups for a selected object or opens the dialog for modifying, deleting or confirming follow-ups.

Move icon


Changes the parent folder of an object. It is also possible to remove the current parent folder so that the object will no longer have any parent objectsso that the object will no longer have any parent objects.

Image Added

Set retention time (as of 2022 Summer)

Set an expiration date.
Available for objects of document object types referencing the system:rmDestructionRetention secondary object type for which the retention time was specified so far.

Extend retention time (as of 2022 Summer)

Replace the expiration date by a later date.
Available for objects of document object types referencing the system:rmDestructionRetention secondary object type for which retention is already specified.

Open in context icon

Open in the folder/Open

Opens the selected object’s parent folder view. The object view will be opened for document files without a parent folder.

Show references icon

Show references

Displays an overview of the objects that reference the selected object.

Versions icon

Show versions

Opens an overview of all versions of the selected object. You can select two versions in the version list to compare them side by side. The action is not offered if the selected object only has one version (see Object Versions).

Set as current version

This action is available when a Version view is displayed.


>> DynamicCatalogManagementComponent

Object Aspects

Objects contain various information that are displayed in units called object aspects. They are summarized in a form with a header area and multiple tabs containing the individual object aspects.


>> YuvObjectDetailsModule

Summary Aspect Area

Displays the object properties (basic metadata, type metadata and tags) of an object, such as name, editor, number of versions, file size, etc. The information is divided into the areas Basic metadata, Type metadata, andAdvanced information.

If more than one version of a document exists, you can also click the highlighted version number to access the version view.

Metadata Aspect Area

The Metadata aspect area offers the option of editing the type metadata of the selected object, provided that you have the appropriate rights.

History Aspect Area

The History aspect area provides a view of the creation process as well as the editing and usage history of an object. It contains a chronological list of who made which changes to the content or type metadata of an object and when. The output (download and read) of an object is also logged in this aspect area. You can filter the events of the editing history, if needed. The entries in the history also contain links to the versions of the document. You can open the version view by clicking one of these links.


For users to be able to see READ events in the object history, i.e., whether an object was only viewed, they must be assigned the YUUVIS_MANAGE_SETTINGS role.

Content Aspect Area

The Content aspect area offers a content preview of the selected object. Different content previews are used depending on the file type of the document file, based on the VIEWER service or PDF rendition as described in Preview of Binary Content Files.

titleOpen supported formats...

FormatMime typeComment
Audiompeg, mp3, ogg, wavAudio files are played by the browser with HTML5 audio by default. All played files are streamed to avoid unnecessary data downloads.
E-mailsmessage/rfc822 (eml)eml files are analyzed by MailParser. Unsupported file types are offered for download.
Imagejpeg, gif, png, svg, bmp, icoCustom Angular application with Angular-X image viewer plug-in. Supported mime types are rendered by the browser in the img HTML tag by default. Unsupported file types are offered for download.
JSONapplication/jsonCustom Angular application with ngx-json-viewer plug-in.
Markdownx-web-markdown, markdownCustom application with markdown-to-JSX plug-in and custom angular application with showdown plug-in.
Open Officeodt (texts), ods (tables), odp (presentations)Files are analyzed, and rendered by ODFs are currently resolved as application/zip. The viewer also analyzes the mime types and reacts to the file extension that must be specified.
PDFapplication/pdfPDF.jsJavaScript-based PDF viewer from Mozilla. PDF.js support is also supported by the yuuvis® API.
TextplainPlain text is rendered by the browser by default.
Videompeg, mp4, ogg, webmVideo files are played by the browser with HTML5 video by default. All played files are streamed to avoid unnecessary data downloads.
XMLxmlXML is rendered as text by the browser by default.

The Version View

If type metadata is modified or the content file is edited, replaced, moved, or deleted, then new versions of the object are created. The older versions are retained. All versions of an object can be managed in the version view.
>> VersionListComponent


You require the YUUVIS_CREATE_OBJECT role to be able to create objects.

You can create objects (folders and documents) in stages. This procedure is especially useful if you create a lot of objects in a short period of time that you do not want to complete until later.

>> ObjectCreateComponent

Creating Documents

The following options are available for you to create documents:


If a user does not have any rights to a referencing object, it will not be displayed for this user. If a user has read access to a referencing object, but not to the folder in which the object was filed, then the user is only offered the object view for the object.

Retention management

The view is available as of 2022 Summer and provides a list of document objects with retention properties assigned to them, especially

  • having any expiration date (All),
  • having an expiration date within the next month (Next month) or
  • having an expired expiration date (To be removed).

Note: The destruction date is displayed if specified, but is not evaluated.


You can start search requests on any page. The search dialog is available for this purpose on the dashboard and in the yuuvis® Momentum bar. The following options are available and can also be combined:


  • Selected elements:

    • The row of selected elements is highlighted.

    • Multiple rows can be selected.

  • Focused elements: 

    • Only one element out of all selected elements can be focused.
    • The icon is highlighted again at the beginning of the row.
    • For focused elements, the object aspects are displayed in the object area.

You can use the mouse to select further elements by additionally holding down the Ctrlkey or the Shift key while clicking these elements. If you hold down the Shift key when clicking the mouse, all the rows between the row you have clicked and the row with the most recent focusing are selected, but the focus remains on the first row. If you hold down the Ctrl key when clicking the mouse, the row you have clicked is highlighted in addition to the existing selections. The focus still remains on the first row. When you position the cursor on another selected row and click the right mouse button, this row is focused.
