Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Core APIDescriptionDetailExplanationEndpoints triggering the entry
100Object createdOBJECT_CREATEDThe specified object was created by functions of the client or by an import./api/dms/objects
101Document createdOBJECT_CREATED_WITH_CONTENTThe object was created using functions of the client or via an import operation./api/dms/objects
110Object tag createdOBJECT_TAG_CREATED: [<name>, <state>]A tag for the object was created./api/dms/objects/{objectId}/tags/{name}/state/{state}
200Object irrevocably deletedOBJECT_DELETEDThe object was deleted and cannot be restored.



202Object marked for deletionOBJECT_FLAGGED_FOR_DELETEThe object was moved to the recycle bin.


210Object tag deletedOBJECT_TAG_DELETED: [<name>, <state>]A tag for the object was deleted./api/dms/objects/{objectId}/tags/{name}
300Metadata modifiedOBJECT_METADATA_CHANGEDThe metadata of the object or its status was edited using functions of the client or via an update carried out during the import operation.



301Content changedOBJECT_DOCUMENT_CHANGEDThe document was edited using functions of the client or via an update carried out during the import operation./api/dms/objects/{objectId}/contents/file
303Object updated and content movedOBJECT_UPDATE_CONTENT_MOVEDThe object was updated and the document was moved.



310Object tag modifiedOBJECT_TAG_UPDATED: [<name>, <state>]One of the object's tags was changed.



325Object restored from an old version


The data of the old object version were used to update the current object version./api/dms/objects/{objectId}/versions/{versionNr}/actions/restore
340system:parentId property modifiedDOCUMENT_MOVEDThe value for the system:parentId property was modified (added, updated, removed). Additionally, an audit entry with action 300 was created.

POST /api/dms/objects/{objectId}

PATCH /api/dms/objects/{objectId}




The document content was read by the user, printed, or otherwise output. No changes were made.

As of 2022 Summer: If a user retrieves the binary content file of the same object version multiple times within 10 minutes, only the first retrieval is documented in the audit trail.

The following processes internally retrieve the object's binary content file and thus trigger the creation of an audit entry as well:

  • the first retrieval of a PDF rendition after the object creation or a content update




401Metadata retrievedMETADATA_ACCESSED

The object's metadata were retrieved for viewing.

The following processes internally retrieve the object's metadata and thus trigger the creation of an audit entry as well:

  • each retrieval of a PDF rendition 





402Text preview downloadedRENDITION_TEXT_ACCESSED

The text rendition of the object's binary content file was retrieved.

As of 2022 Summer: If a user retrieves the text rendition of the same object multiple times within 10 minutes, only the first retrieval is documented in the audit trail.

403PDF preview downloadedRENDITION_PDF_ACCESSED

As of 2022 Summer: The PDF rendition of the object's binary content file was retrieved.

If a user retrieves the PDF rendition of the same object multiple times within 10 minutes, only the first retrieval is documented in the audit trail.

