serviceErrorCode | httpStatusCode | Occurs in Validation of | message |
2100 | 422 | schema | The id '%s' is invalid. If the id has a prefix it is not allowed to start with 'ten' or 'app'. |
2101 | 422 | schema | The id '%s' is invalid. If the id has a prefix it is expected to be '%s'. |
2102 | 422 | schema | The id '%s' is invalid. The id of an object type is not allowed to start with '%s'. |
2103 | 422 | schema | The id '%s' is invalid. The id of an property type is not allowed to start with '%s'. |
2104 | 422 | schema | Too many property types. There are %s property types. Up to %s are allowed. This is a configurable boundary. |
2105 | 422 | schema | There are references from the global schema to the schema of app '%s'. For tenant '%s' app '%s' is disabled. |
2106 | 422 | schema | There are references from the schema of app '%s' to the schema of app '%s'. For tenant '%s' app '%s' is enabled and app '%s' is disabled. |
2110 | 422 | schema | Ambiguous ids. There are %s %stype definitions with the id '%s'. |
2111 | 422 | schema | Id missing. There is a %s definition without id. |
2112 | 422 | schema | Invalid id. There is a %s with the invalid id '%s'. The id must match '%s'. |
2113 | 422 | schema | Id too long. The maximum length for an id is %s without prefix. The length of '%s' is %s. |
2120 | 422 | schema | Property type missing. The attribute 'propertyType' of the property type definition '%s' is missing. |
2121 | 422 | schema | Wrong property type. The property type of the %s property type definition '%s' must be '%s', but it is '%s'. |
2122 | 422 | schema | Invalid attribute 'queryable' in the %s property type definition '%s'. The value 'false' is only supported for table property type definitions. |
2123 | 422 | schema | Illegal minimum length of the property '%s'. The minimum length of a string property must not exceed %s. |
2124 | 422 | schema | Illegal maximum length of the property '%s'. The maximum length of a string property must not exceed %s. |
2125 | 422 | schema | Illegal cardinality of the property '%s'. The cardinality of a table property must not be 'multi'. |
2126 | 422 | schema | Invalid number of column property definitions for property '%s'. The maximum number of columns in a table must not exceed %s. column count: '%s' |
2127 | 422 | schema | Illegal cardinality of the property '%s'. The cardinality of a structured data property must not be 'multi'. |
2130 | 422 | schema | Base id missing. The attribute 'baseId' of the type definition '%s' is missing. |
2131 | 422 | schema | Wrong base id. The base id of the %s type definition '%s' must be '%s', but it is '%s'. |
2132 | 422 | schema | Invalid property reference '%s' in type definition '%s'. |
2134 | 422 | schema | There are %s property references with the value '%s' in the definition of the object type '%s'. |
2135 | 422 | schema | Invalid secondary object type reference '%s' in type definition '%s'. |
2136 | 422 | schema | Secondary object type '%s' in type definition '%s' can be referenced only once. |
2140 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' does not allow content and has a static reference to the secondary object type '%s' that requires content. It would not be possible to create instances of this document type. |
2141 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' does not allow content and has a non-static reference to the secondary object type '%s' that requires content. This secondary object type could never be assigned to instances of this document type. |
2142 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' requires content and has a static reference to the secondary object type '%s' that does not allow content. It would not be possible to create instances of this document type. |
2143 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' requires content and has a non-static reference to the secondary object type '%s' that does not allow content. This secondary object type could never be assigned to instances of this document type. |
2144 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' has static references to the secondary object types that require content ('%s') and that do not allow content ('%s'). It would not be possible to create instances of this document type. |
2145 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' has static references to the secondary object types that require content ('%s') and non-static references to secondary object types that do not allow content ('%s'). These non-static secondary object types could never be assigned to instances of this document type. |
2146 | 422 | schema | The document type '%s' has static references to the secondary object types that do not allow content ('%s') and non-static references to secondary object types that require content ('%s'). These non-static secondary object types could never be assigned to instances of this document type. |
2150 | 422 | schema | The folder type '%s' has static references to secondary object types that require content ('%s'). It would not be possible to create instances of this folder type. |
2151 | 422 | schema | The folder type '%s' has non-static references to secondary object types that require content ('%s'). These non-static secondary object types could never be assigned to instances of this folder type. |
2152 | 422 | schema | The folder type '%s' has static references to secondary object types that allow content ('%s'). It would not be possible to create instances of this folder type. |
2153 | 422 | schema | The folder type '%s' has non-static references to secondary object types that allow content ('%s'). These non-static secondary object types could never be assigned to instances of this folder type. |
2200 | 422 | schema | Empty lists are not allowed. The property '%s' has an empty list as value. |
2201 | 422 | schema | The cardinality of the property '%s' is 'multi', but the value is no list: %s. |
2202 | 422 | schema | The cardinality of the property '%s' is 'single', but the value is a list: %s. |
2203 | 422 | schema | Illegal number of values. The cardinality of the property '%s' is 'single', but there are multiple values: %s. |
2204 | 422 | schema | Null values are not allowed in lists. Property='%s' |
2210 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is a boolean property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2211 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is a datetime property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2212 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is a decimal property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2213 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is an id property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2214 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is an integer property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2215 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is a string property and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2216 | 422 | schema | Malformed table. The property part 'columnNames' of the table property '%s' is expected to be a list of strings. ColumnNames: '%s' |
2217 | 422 | schema | Malformed table. The value of the table property '%s' is expected to be a list. Table value: %s |
2218 | 422 | schema | Malformed table. A row of the table '%s' is not a list. Row: '%s' |
2219 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The value of the structured data property '%s' is expected to be a list or a map. Value: %s |
2220 | 422 | schema | Invalid json. The value of the structured data property %s must be a valid json. Value = '%s'. Error message: %s |
2240 | 422 | schema | Illegal property value. The property '%s' is a datetime property with resolution 'date' and is unable to accept the value '%s'. |
2250 | 422 | schema | The decimal value %s is not valid. The type '%s' permits no values smaller than %s. |
2251 | 422 | schema | The decimal value %s is not valid. The type '%s' permits no values larger than %s. |
2260 | 422 | schema | The integer value %s is not valid. The type '%s' permits no values smaller than %s. |
2261 | 422 | schema | The integer value %s is not valid. The type '%s' permits no values larger than %s. |
2270 | 422 | schema | String value is too short. The type '%s' permits only strings with a length at least %s. The length of '%s' is %s. |
2271 | 422 | schema | String value is too long. The type '%s' permits only strings with a length up to %s. The length of '%s' is %s. |
2272 | 422 | schema | String value is too long. A string property permits only strings with a length up to %s. The property '%s' has a value of length %s: '%s'. |
2280 | 422 | schema | Illegal column. A table of type '%s' cannot have a column named '%s'. |
2281 | 422 | schema | Illegal column names. The column '%s' occures %s times. |
2282 | 422 | schema | Malformed table. The maximum number of rows in a table must not exceed %s. row count: '%s' |
2283 | 422 | schema | Invalid row. The row of a table property '%s' is expected to contain exactly %s entries, but the %s. row contains %s entries. |
2290 | 422 | schema | Structure data value to large. The value of the property '%s' contains %s sub-values. Only up to %s are allowed. |
2291 | 422 | schema | Structured data value to deep. The value of the property '%s' has a depth of %s. The maximum depth is %s. |
2292 | 422 | schema | Invalid value of structure data property '%s'. Non-string key found: '%s'. |
2293 | 422 | schema | Key too long. The length of the key '%s' in the value of the structured data property '%s' is %s. The maximum length is %s. |
2294 | 422 | schema | Invalid key '%s' in the value of the structured data property '%s'. The key must match the regex '%s'. |
2300 | 422 | schema | A required property is missing. property |