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Page Properties

Product Version
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Modification History

NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje23 JUL 20212021 Autumncreated
Martin26 JUL 20212021 Autumn


Bratislav29 JUL 20212021 Autumndraft
Antje29 JUL 20212021 Autumnformatting, published
Agnieszka25 AUG 20212021 AutumnrLANG


Column in yuuvis® clientCorresponding Counterpart in BPM EngineDescription

Description (not available anymore as of version 2021)

Process variable whatAboutThe description that was entered while creating the follow-up.
as of 2021 Winter: SubjectWeb-API Gateway parameter subject, represented as Flowable string variable subjectSet while creating the process.
Created onProcess parameter startTimeThe time the follow-up (process) was created.
Follow-up dateProcess variable expiryDateTimeThe due date that was entered while creating the follow-up.
StatusDerived from process parameters endTime and suspendedPossible values for Status are running, completed and suspended.


The property types used in forms for yuuvis® Momentum objects can be used for the Flowable variable types as well. Only the yuuvis® property type 'decimal' is  is mapped to the Flowable variable type 'double'.

The yuuvis® table properties are saved as in a variable of type JSON. 
