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NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje23 JUL 20212021 Autumncreated
Martin26 JUL 20212021 Autumn


Bratislav29 JUL 20212021 Autumndraft
Antje29 JUL 20212021 Autumnformatting, published
Agnieszka25 AUG 20212021 AutumnrLANG


Administrators can model process models (process-definitions in Flowable nomenclature) with the help of a Flowable modeler, pack them and export them as applications, and deploy the applications to the BPM-ENGINE service in yuuvis® Momentum. Once deployed in such a manner, a process definition can be instantiated and executed in the engineBPM Engine. If process instances running in the bpm engine contain user tasks, they will be available in the Inbox of the user to whom they were assigned. 


Column in yuuvis® clientCorresponding Counterpart in BPM EngineDescription

Description (not available anymore as of version 2021)

Process variable whatAboutThe description that was entered while creating the follow-up.
as of 2021 Winter: SubjectWeb-API Gateway parameter subject, represented as Flowable string variable subjectSet while creating the process.
Created onProcess parameter startTimeThe time the follow-up (process) was created.
Follow-up dateProcess variable expiryDateTimeThe due date that was entered while creating the follow-up.
StatusDerived from process parameters endTime and suspendedPossible values for Status are running, completed and suspended.


To provide the example Two step process action in a client, import the client plug-in configuration file shown below (how to).   To be able to import a settings file, users will need an administrative role. 
>> Extending the Clients with Plug-ins

The twosteptest_proc process model has to be deployed to the Flowable BPM engineEngine.

Code Block
titleClient Settings Plug-in Configuration for an Example 'Two step pocess'
  "disabled": false,
  "actions": [
      "id": "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.label",
      "label": "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.label",
      "description": "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.description",
      "priority": 0,
      "icon": "<svg height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"> <path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\" fill=\"none\"></path> <path d=\"M4 10h12v2H4zM4 6h12v2H4zM4 14h8v2H4zM14 14v6l5-3z\"></path> </svg>",
      "group": "further",
      "range": "MULTI_SELECT",
      "isExecutable": "(item) =>",
      "run": "(selection) =>'/bpm/processes', {businessKey: selection[0].id, name: selection[0].title || selection[0].id, processDefinitionKey: 'twosteptest_proc', attachments: =>, subject: selection[0].title, variables: [{ name: 'myVariable', type: 'string', value: 'Lorem ipsum' }]},'api-web').then(() => this.util.notifier.success(this.util.translate('yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.success')))"
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.label": "Two step process",
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.description": "Starts simple process with two steps, also for many objects",
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.success": "Process has started"
    "de": {
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.label": "Zweischritteprozess",
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.description": "Startet einen einfachen Prozess mit zwei Schritten, auch für mehrere Prozesse",
      "yuv.custom.action.two.step.multi.success": "Prozess wurde gestartet"
