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Modification History

NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje23 JUL 20212021 Autumncreated
Martin26 JUL 20212021 Autumn


Bratislav29 JUL 20212021 Autumndraft
Antje29 JUL 20212021 Autumnformatting, published
Agnieszka25 AUG 20212021 AutumnrLANG
Martin24 SEP 20212021 WinterAdded the section for starting processes with a startform
Antje27 OCT 20212021 Winterclient-specific Flowable variables added


Column in yuuvis® clientCorresponding Counterpart in BPM EngineDescription

Description (not available anymore as of version 2021)

Process variable whatAboutThe description that was entered while creating the follow-up.
as of 2021 Winter: SubjectWeb-API Gateway parameter subject, represented as Flowable string variable subjectSet while creating the process.
Created onProcess parameter startTimeThe time the follow-up (process) was created.
Follow-up dateProcess variable expiryDateTimeThe due date that was entered while creating the follow-up.
StatusDerived from process parameters endTime and suspendedPossible values for Status are running, completed and suspended.


The following client-spezific Flowable variables are available:

Task parameter
(Web-API Gateway GET tasks)
Example formatFlowable variable nameExample formatDescription

"subject": "My subject"


Code Block
  "action": "save",
  "variables": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_subject",
      "type": "string",
      "value": "My subject"

Process subject

The client-specific task parameter subject is presented in the Subject column of the Inbox.

The parameter can be set using the Web-API Gateway GET/PUT endpoints for tasks or the corresponding BPM-API endpoints for setting the variable appClientsystem_subject.


"attachments": ["GUID1","GUID2", "GUID2"]


Code Block
  "action": "save",
  "variables": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_attachments",
      "type": "json",
      "value": [ 

Process attachments

The client-specific task parameter attachment is used for the tasks' Attachments aspect area of the Inbox. The value is an array of object GUIDs. The title of the corresponding objects is displayed in the list of attachments for users. 

The parameter can be set using the Web-API Gateway GET/PUT endpoints for tasks or the corresponding BPM-API endpoints for setting the variable appClientsystem_attachment.


Example code for the GET task's response of the Web-API Gateway:

Code Block
"taskMessages": [
    "message": "messageWithoutColor"
    "level": "error",
    "message": "messageError",
    "type": "ul"
    "level": "warning",
    "message": "messageWarning",
    "type": "ul"
    "level": "info",
    "message": "messageError"
    "message": "Not translated message"


Example code for setting the Flowable variable appClientsystem_taskMessages via BPM-API PUT tasks:

Code Block
  "action": "save",
  "variables": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_taskForm",
      "type": "json",
      "value": { 
        "schemaProperties": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_taskMessages",
      "type": "json",
      "value": [ 
          "message": "messageWithoutColor"
          "level": "error",
          "message": "messageError",
          "type": "ul"
          "level": "warning",
          "message": "messageWarning",
          "type": "ul"
          "level": "info",
          "message": "messageError"
          "message": "Not translated message"

Configure Task Messages

This client-specific task parameter can be used to present necessary information for working on this particular task. The messages are presented on the top of the Task aspect area in the Inbox.

The level parameter specifies the formatting of the corresponding messages. The following values are available:

without levelThe message is rendered in the normal format
infoThe text is rendered in the accent color
errorText is rendered in Red
warningText is rendered in Orange

If the message is a localization key, the key will be translated (see messageError in the example). The keys do not need an appended _label as required for the name for a form field.

'"Type": "ul" can be used to render messages with this setting in a list.

The value specified for taskMessages is retrieved by the GET tasks endpoint of the Web-API Gateway and can only be set by via the Flowable variable appClientsystem_taskMessages.

Image Modified


Example code for the GET tasks response of the Web-API Gateway using schemaProperties

Code Block
"taskForm": {
    "schemaProperties": [

Example code for the GET tasks response of the Web-API Gateway using a form model:

Code Block
"taskForm": {
    "model": {
            "name": "twosteptest_proc:2nd_task",
            "situation": "EDIT",
            "script": "",
            "elements": [
                "name": "core",
                "type": "o2mGroup",
                "elements": [
                    "type": "o2mGroup", 
                    "layout": {
                        "align": "row"
                    "elements": [
                        "type": "o2mGroup", 
                        "name": "twosteptest_proc:simplefields",
                        "layout": {
                            "align": "column"
                        "elements": [
                            "name": "twosteptest_proc:date",
                            "labelkey": "Date",
                            "type": "datetime",
                            "required": false,
                            "cardinality": "single",
                            "readonly": false,
                            "resolution": "date"
                            "name": "twosteptest_proc:string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "cardinality": "single",
                            "required": false,
                            "rows": 1,
                            "readonly": false                


Example code for setting the Flowable variable appClientsystem_taskForm via BPM-API PUT tasks using schemaProperties:

Code Block
  "action": "save",
  "variables": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_taskForm",
      "type": "json",
      "value": { 
        "schemaProperties": [

Example code for saving the Flowable variable appClientsystem_taskForm via BPM-API PUT tasks using a form model:

Code Block
  "action": "save",
  "variables": [
      "name": "appClientsystem_taskForm",
      "type": "json",
      "value": { 
            "name": "twosteptest_proc:2nd_task",
            "situation": "EDIT",
            "script": "",
            "elements": [
                "name": "core",
                "type": "o2mGroup",
                "elements": [
                    "type": "o2mGroup", 
                    "layout": {
                        "align": "row"
                    "elements": [
                        "type": "o2mGroup", 
                        "name": "twosteptest_proc:simplefields",
                        "layout": {
                            "align": "column"
                        "elements": [
                            "name": "twosteptest_proc:date",
                            "labelkey": "Date",
                            "type": "datetime",
                            "required": false,
                            "cardinality": "single",
                            "readonly": false,
                            "resolution": "date"
                            "name": "twosteptest_proc:string",
                            "type": "string",
                            "cardinality": "single",
                            "required": false,
                            "rows": 1,
                            "readonly": false                

Configure the Task Form

This client-specific task parameter can be used to select user-relevant properties to be displayed in the task form. Each property is specified by its name. The attributes of this property will be used in the form.

Form fields can be handled either by

  • listing the relevant properties in schemaProperties or
  • configuring a more complex form with form model syntax in a model.

If name does not have a representation in the schema, it will be ignored.

The code clock below shows an example for the Flowable representation of a yuuvis table property. Tables are only shown up in a form where the types of the column properties are added as seen above.
