yuuvis® Momentum stores content files separately from their metadata. The content files are indicated by a contentStreamId
and can be stored in an S3 store. Each corresponding object with its metadata is stored in a database and contains a reference on the contentStreamId
of its content file. If the object is deleted, the metadata are read from the database and deleted. The content file is searched afterwards by the contentStreamId
that was read from the database before, and deleted. If an error occurs during this process, the object might be removed from the database but not the corresponding content file. Thus, over time, several content files might remain in the S3 store that are not referenced by an existing object. As of yuuvis® Momentum version 2020 Winter, it is possible to find those content files in the S3 store by means of the maintain
command provided by the Commander serviceCOMMANDER Service.
The command determines all content files in a specified S3 store and checks in the database whether they are referenced by an existing object or an old version of an object. Content files without any reference in the database are listed via contentStreamId
and returned in a JSON structure.