16 Jan 2020 - page created (Inga)
ToDo - short term - the information of the endpoints should be available as a brief overview (similar to the core API overview endpoint tables). A link to the provided Swagger UI should point the system integrator as well as the administrator into that direction. Background - if you do not have the yuuvis® installed yet the Swagger UI won't be available (e.g. https://momentum23.enaioci.net/api-web/swagger-ui.html#/).
Located in https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvis_develop/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40141818 all available controller should be described somehow - including the information from the Jira issues's description (https://jira.optimal-systems.de/browse/DOKU-761)
Note: for accessing the admin-controller special roles are needed for the Administrator. Similar behavior for the System Integrator - a special role needs to be assigned to be able to set up calls - check the rights for the other controller as well ...