This guide describes how to install the yuuvis® RAD metrics-manager.
- core-service
- Navigate to the logging configuration of the REST-WS gui page at http://<gateway>/rest-ws/#PAGE:monitor/logging
Set the logger "" to the log level "TRACE".
Make sure that "use parent handler" is not checked.- The change takes immediate effect.
- service-manager
- Edit the file <service-manager>\config\application-prod.yml
- Set the parameter "monitoring.trace.enabled" to true
- Save the file and restart the service-manager
- For Logstash a SSL/TLS certifcate in .cer / .crt and .key format is required. The .key file needs to be in unencrypted PKCS8 format. Place these two files in the folder <mertrics-manager>\config\logstash
Open the file <metrics-manager>\config\logstash\logstash.conf and expand the input section to look like below:
unmigrated-wiki-markupCode Block language java input { # input from filebeat beats { # the port to listen on port => 5044 ssl => true ssl_certificate => "D:\yuuvis\metrics-manager\config\logstash\certificate.cer" ssl_key => "D:\yuuvis\metrics-manager\config\logstash\certificate.key" ssl_verify_mode => "none" } }
Rpleace Replace the certificate.cer and certificate.key file names with the actual names of the certificate files. If the certificate is self-signed use 'ssl_verify_mode" value "none" (as shown above) else use "force_peer" as the value. Only absolute paths are valid.