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Due to various reasons it can happen that a task on a system ends up without any user available to process it. This may be happen because roles / groups that define assignees to a task are empty or the assignees were deleted. This script provided here identifies these tasks and print them out in a JSON format.


The following four parameters are for connecting to the target system and are required to execute the script:

targetSystemIp (default: localhost)
IP address of the target system.

targetSystemPort (default: 8080)
Port of the target system.

username (empty by default)
Name of the user who is authorized to perform the script's actions. In particular, this involves
the functional right MANAGE_PROCESSES.

password (empty by default)
Password of the provided user.


It is also possible to filter for specific processes with the following optional parameters:

processStates (default: [RUNNING“RUNNING”])
Filter parameter to search for processes in specific states.
Parameter is a string array. Process query searches of processes which are in of the states.


An example call of the script with target system localhost:8080 (set by parameter’s default values):

Code Block
.\SearchTasksWithoutUser_v1-2.ps1 -userName "roger" -password "rabbit" -modelIds "951049FDF8E14100BE7D810A2F018177", "951049FDF8E14100BE7D810A2F018177"

Processes With this call, processes are filtered for running processes (set by default) and started by a model with one of the passed IDs.
