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{ "term": "optimal", // optional: a query string is parsed into a series of terms and operators. A term can be a single word or a phrase. // The default operator is AND. For example, the query 'capital of Hungary' is translated to 'capital AND of AND Hungary' "from": 0, // optional: parameter sets the offset for result list, default is 0 "filters": { // optional: can be used to restrict the search in respect to special object attributes (baseparams), // index data and/or object types. Different filter groups are combined with AND. "creator": { // object attribute, similar is "modifier" "o": "eq", // operator: eq = "term" is "eq"ual field value of type string, number, or date // neq = "term" is "n"ot "eq"ual field value of type string, number, or date // in = "term" is "in" field value of type catalog // nin = "term" is "n"ot "in" field value of type catalog // rg = predefined range, "v1" is one of these: // "today", "yesterday", "thisweek", "lastweek", "thismonth", "lastmonth", "thisyear", "lastyear" // starting with version 10.10: "tomorrow", "nextweek", "nextmonth", "nextyear" // gt = greater than "v1", lt = lower than "v1", gte = greater than equal "v1", lte = lower than equal "v1" // gtlt = greater than "v1" and lower than "v2" , etc for gtlte, gtelt, gtelte, "v1": "smith" }, "mimetypegroup": { // object attribute "o": "in", "v1": [ "pdf", "word" ] }, "modified": { // object attribute "o": "rg", "v1": "thismonth" }, "created": { // object attribute "o": "gtelte", "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "v2": "2016-01-10T00:00:00.000Z" }, "personalfile.name": { // <technical name of object type>.<technical name of field> "o": "eq", "v1": "idpic" }, "basisdocument.active": { "o": "eq", "v1": "true" // field of type 'boolean' can also be "false" or "null" }, "personalfile.employee": { "o": "in", "v1": [ "Applicant", // list of terms combined with OR. The wildcards '*' and '?' can be used in string fields. For catalog fields, the term must be an exact match of the catalog value. "Manager" ] }, "personalfile.cv.position": { // <technical name of objecttype>.<technical name of field>.<technical name of column> "o": "eq", "v1": "Developer" // can also be "null" to find objects with no value for this attribute }; "basisdocument.age": { "o": "lte", "v1": 50 // for numeric fields }, "basisdocument.status": { "o": "eq", "v1": null // For any field, this query returns documents that have no value in the named field. }, "personalfile.activesince": { "o": "eq", "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // for date and datetime fields }, "personalfile.path": { // "o": "match", // For string fields with classification 'Path', match all documents with paths that exist within a particular path "v1": "/Europe/Switzerland" // '/Europe/Switzerland', for example /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich, /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich (ZH), /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich/Winterthur } }, "types": [ // optional: list of object types combined with OR. In the case of index data search, only one object type is allowed "picture" ], "contextfoldertypes": [ // optional: list of context folders (technical names) combined with OR "personalfile" // find all objects that are saved in the general location with 'sysroot' ], "fields": [ // optional: list of general object attributes and index fields which should be returned in the result // if this section is not specified, a default set of general attributes as configured is delivered "type" // default: technical name of object type as configured in the designer "title", // default: individually defined for each object type "description", // default: individually defined for each object type "created", // default: the date the object was created "creator", // login name of the user who created the object "creatorfullname", // default: full name of user who created the object; format: <first name> <name> "creatortitle", // title of user who modified the object; format: <name>,<first name> (<login name>) "modified", // default: the date the object was modified "modifier", // login name of the user who modified the object "modifierfullname" // default: full name of user who modified the object; format: <first name> <name> "modifiertitle", // title of user who modified the object; format: <name>,<first name> (<login name>) "finalized" // finalization state of an object showing 'true' or 'false' "mimetype", // mime type of a file as given in the operating system "mimetypegroup", // same as 'filetype' of the document file which group mime types, e.g., all Microsoft Word mime types are grouped as 'word', and all image type as 'image' "filename", // of the document file "filetype", // of the document file "filesize", // of the document file "idpicture.width, // any object field must be given by its qualified technical name in the format: <technical name of object type>_<technical name of field> "myobject.mytable.mycolumn", // the column of a table of an object "contextfolderid", "personalfile.name" ], "options": { // optional: defines some special search behaviors "tracktotalhits": false // wiht default 'true' "searchmode": "idxs", // (default: "idxs")optional, index data search; case insensitive with wildcards '*' and '?' allowed // "fts" = full-text search "resolvereference":true, // (default: false) resolves ID references of users and objects "resolveorgaddon" :false,// (default: true) resolves user ID, if false the login name will be returned "withcontext: true, // (default: false) returns additionally title, description and ID of the context folder for every hit "expertmode": false, // (default: false) if true, the "term" is interpreted in the syntax of the Elasticsearch engine "sort": { // optional: defines the sort order "created": { "order": "asc", // control the result order; possible settings are 'asc' and 'desc' "missing": "_first" // control how to handle missing field values: possible settings are "_last" and "_first" in the list } } "scope" : "all" // "all" as default searches in indexdata and content, "indexdata" only in indexdata, and "content" only in contents (document files). } } } |