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Resources & Remarks - This tutorial should eventually replace the System Hooks page in this directory, as the content of that page will be moved to a concept page.
- Information on Configuration in On-Premise systems that should be moved to a different article:
Run Configuration Running the Java application to register the service must include a number of parameters to communicate the services' existance and contact information to the Discovery Service. Find the full list of required parameters below: Name | Value | Description |
spring.profile.active | <active profiles> | Profiles available and running within your system, defining in which Profiles the Interceptor will be active | spring.cloud.config.uri | <protocol>://<config url> | URL of the Configuration service endpoint where the service can recieve system information | eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address | true | Decides whether the Webhook service will register using its host name or its host ip. | eureka.instance.ip-adress | <your host ip> | Define host ip, and host base url when used in conjunction with the previous parameter. |
Modification History Name | Date | Product Version | Action |
Antje | 08 FEB 2021 | 2.4 | New page properties macro. |
Excerpt |
An example Webhook consumer service set up using Java and Spring Boot. |
Section |
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Table of Contents Table of Contents |
exclude | (Table of Contents|Read on|Events|Webhooks|Messaging when Importing DocumentsWebhooks|Validation of Properties using Catalogs|Accessing Binary Content during an Import) |
In this tutorial, we'll create a Spring Boot Service using Java, meaning the requirements for the project are derived from Spring Boot. Thus, a JDK version 1.8 or later and Maven 3.2 or later are required.
To use the webhook service for the intended purpose of intercepting metadata when updating objects, we need to create a new entry in the Webhook list within our systems' SystemHookConfiguration systemHookConfiguration.json
file (\system\systemHookConfiguration.json
). The url
attribute must refer to the webhook service identifier (derived from the artifact ID in the services' maven file) and direct to one of the endpoints declared in the service.
The services responsible for the webhook execution need to be restarted after changing the SystemHookConfiguration systemHookConfiguration.json
file. The corresponding services of each webhook are listed here. For the enrichment of metadata, the pertaining service would be the API-gateway.
In this tutorial, a Java-based method for webhook consumption is outlined. The code presented, including the project structure and additional webhook management, can be found in github. . More concrete example webhook use cases are described in the articles linked below.
Info |
Section |
Column |
| System HooksSystem Hooks
| System Hooks |
Accessing Binary Content during an Import | | Accessing Binary Content during an Import |
nopanel | true |
| Keep reading
Column |
| AMQP HooksAMQP Hooks
| AMQP Hooks |
Validation of Properties using Catalogs | | Validation of Properties using Catalogs |
nopanel | true |
| Keep reading
Column |
| Insert excerpt |
| Webhooks |
| Webhooks |
nopanel | true |
| Keep reading