Data consistency
management studio
Index Service: Clean-up fulltext index data
In circumstances it can be possible that deleted objects have been removed but its index data are still existing in the fulltext index data. From now on you can remove such non-existing objects from the full-text index data using this new endpoint:
Call this endpoint manually via swagger-interface: <servicemanager-host>7291/swagger-ui.html#!/api-controller/cleanUpUsingPOST
- The online help for yuuvis® RAD 6.0 with the Release information and info on Installation and Administration as well as for Developers and Users is now available in English in our Documentation Portal as well.
yuuvis® Momentum, Ultimate & more
- Since 20th of April we started a Q&A Portal for answering your questions on yuuvis® Momentum an Ultimate as well: https://qa.yuuvis.com/
core service
- ?input management with tags and floating SOTs
Development of custom clients
The core library with all services to the backend is available on npm as well as the framework library with all the reusable components (Status: Alpha, interfaces can change until release of the offical version)
entry point for creating a new client project: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@yuuvis/project
core library: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@yuuvis/core
framework library: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@yuuvis/framework
a demo-client project: https://github.com/OPTIMALSYSTEMS/yuuvis-demo-schematics-project
draft documentation of the libraries (temporary URL, will be changed later): https://yuuvis-cc.yuuvis.org/
A short introduction in using the libraries is given here:Widget Connector url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXY6vuDH2b8&feature=youtu.be - A first draft documentation of the services and the components is available as (Status: Alpha, ca. 25% is well documented yet)
- fyi: a plugin concept as known for the yuuvis RAD client will come later
- You can search for objects by editor and creator
Based on the new schema classification property of fields some more form features are supported:
- The following new field types are supported: string with classification email, url and phone., phone, id:organization, id:reference
- A number is rendered with digit grouping if its classification is set to 'digit'.
- You can create new objects and locate them in a folder via drag and drop as well.
- You can filter a folder by analogy to a structure tree, first stepsmove objects into another folder.
- After having moved the object a dialog is opened which allows me to jump to the target folder.
Versions view
- The handling is optimized again.
- The view allows to analyse the differences between two files as well.
Mode 1: the files are shown in seperate viewer areas with a synchron scrolling
Mode 2: the files are shown partly in one area. The widht of left and right part can be changed moving the slider, as well the top and buttom part (see screenshot).
Mode 3: the files are alternately shown within a second so you see small differences well.
yuuvis® RAD version 6.2 / version 6.4
- The un–docked preview area keeps staying although the application view has been changed. This un-docked previewer window supports many client browser tabs.
- The entering of form table rows is optimized
- you need much less clicks to enter many rows
- you see much more lines and columns while entering data
- Process activities have a due date. The due-date is shown to users to indicate the time when the activity has to be finished. The existing technical deadlines remain in use, but are no longer shown to users.
- Configuration, which process models can be started with which object types, has been streamlined and is simpler than before. The same configuration options are provided for custom actions.
- Non-structural changes in schema definition, such as localization, supported languages, title pattern, icons can be deployed without core-service restart. This makes small changes much easier and without service interruption.
- The online help for yuuvis® RAD 6.0 with the Release information and info on Installation and Administration as well as for Developers and Users is now available in English in our Documentation Portal as well.