Versions Compared


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Code Block
  "term": "optimal", // optional: a query string is parsed into a series of terms and operators. A term can be a single word  or a phrase.
					 // The default operator is AND. For example, the query 'capital of Hungary' is translated to 'capital AND of AND Hungary' 
  "from": 0,         // optional: parameter sets the offset for result list, default is 0
 "filters": {        // optional: can be used to restrict the search in respect to special object attributes (baseparams), 
                     // index data and/or object types. Different filter groups are combined with AND.
    "creator": {     // object attribute, similar is "modifier" 
      "o": "eq",     // operator: eq = "term" is "eq"ual field value of type string, number, or date
					 // 		  in = "term" is "in" field value of type catalog
                     //           gt = greater than "v1", lt = lower than "v1", gte = greater than equal "v1", lte = lower than equal "v1" 
                     //           gtlt = greater than "v1" and lower than "v2" , etc for gtlte,  gtelt, gtelte, 
      "v1": ["smith","#currentuser"],   // A list of strings with the login name of a user. The placeholder #currentuser# is resolved by the login name of the requesting user.
      "usenot": true  // optional attribute with default 'false' searches for objects not containing smith in the specified object property.
    "mimetypegroup": {        // object attribute
      "o": "in",
      "v1": [
    "modified": {             // object attribute
      "o": "rg",              //           rg = predefined range, "v1" is one of these: 
                              //                "today", "yesterday", "thisweek", "lastweek", "thismonth", "lastmonth", "thisyear", "lastyear"
                              //                starting with version 10.10: "tomorrow", "nextweek", "nextmonth", "nextyear", "thisquarter", "lastquarter", "nextquarter", and
                              //                a range which follows the syntax "prefixnumberpostfix" with prefix = "last" and "next",
                              //                and postfix = "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years",
                              //                and 'number' as an integer like '12', e.g 'last12days'
      "v1": "lastquarter"
    "created": {             // object attribute
      "o": "gtelte",
      "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "v2": "2016-01-10T00:00:00.000Z"
    "": {   // <technical name of object type>.<technical name of field>
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "idpic"
    "": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "true"           // field of type 'boolean' can also be "false" or "null"
    "personalfile.employee": {
      "o": "in",
      "v1": [
        "Applicant",         // list of terms combined with OR. The wildcards '*' and '?' can be used in string fields. For catalog fields, the term must be an exact match of the catalog value.
    "": {	// <technical name of objecttype>.<technical name of field>.<technical name of column>
        "o": "eq",
        "v1": "Developer"      // can also be "null" to find objects with no value for this attribute
    "basisdocument.age": {
      "o": "lte",
      "v1": 50                // for numeric fields
    "basisdocument.status": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": null                // For any field, this query returns documents that have no value in the named field.
    "personalfile.activesince": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"  // for date and datetime fields
	"personalfile.path": {			// 
      "o": "match",					// For string fields with classification 'Path', match all documents with paths that exist within a particular path
      "v1": "/Europe/Switzerland" 	// '/Europe/Switzerland', for example /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich, /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich (ZH), /Europe/Switzerland/Zürich/Winterthur
  "types": [                 // optional: list of object types combined with OR. In the case of index data search, only one object type is allowed
  "contextfoldertypes": [    // optional: list of context folders (technical names) combined with OR
    "personalfile"           // find all objects that are saved in the general location with 'sysroot'
  "fields": [         // optional: list of general object attributes and index fields which should be returned in the result
                      // if this section is not specified, a default set of general attributes as configured is delivered
    "type"                   // default: technical name of object type as configured in the designer
    "title",                 // default: individually defined for each object type
    "description",           // default: individually defined for each object type
    "created",               // default: the date the object was created 
    "creator",               // login name of the user who created the object
    "creatorfullname",       // default: full name of user who created the object; format: <first name> <name>
    "creatortitle",          // title of user who modified the object; format: <name>,<first name> (<login name>)
    "modified",              // default: the date the object was modified 
    "modifier",              // login name of the user who modified the object
    "modifierfullname"       // default: full name of user who modified the object; format: <first name> <name>
    "modifiertitle",         // title of user who modified the object; format: <name>,<first name> (<login name>)
    "finalized"              // finalization state of an object showing 'true' or 'false'
    "mimetype",              // mime type of a file as given in the operating system
    "mimetypegroup",         // same as 'filetype' of the document file which group mime types, e.g., all Microsoft Word mime types are grouped as 'word', and all image type as 'image'
    "filename",              // of the document file
    "filetype",              // of the document file
    "filesize",              // of the document file
    "contextfolderid",       // id of the folder an object is saved in

    "idpicture.width,        // any object field must be given by its qualified technical name in the format: <technical name of object type>_.<technical name of field>
    "myobject.mytable.mycolumn",  // the column of a table of an object
  personalfile.class_id"  // beginning with 10.16 LTS, it is possible let the id of a catalog property be returned instead of the usual value with.
    "personalfile.class_data"// beginning with 10.16 LTS, it is possible let the data value of a catalog property be returned instead of the usual localized value
  "options": {               // optional: defines some special search behaviors
    "tracktotalhits": false  // wiht default 'true' 
    "searchmode": "idxs",     // (default: "idxs") optional,  index data search; case insensitive with wildcards '*' and '?' allowed
                             // "fts" = full-text search
	"resolvereference":true, // (default: false) resolves ID references of users and objects
	"resolveorgaddon" :false,// (default: true) resolves user ID, if false the login name will be returned
	"withcontext: true,		 // (default: false) returns additionally title, description and ID of the context folder  for every hit
	"expertmode": false,     // (default: false) if true, the "term" is interpreted in the syntax of the Elasticsearch engine
    "sort": {                // optional: defines the sort order
      "created": {
         "order": "asc",       // control the result order; possible settings are 'asc' and 'desc'
         "missing": "_first"   // control how to handle missing field values: possible settings are "_last" and "_first" in the list
    "scope" : "all"          // "all" as default searches in indexdata and content, "indexdata" only in indexdata, and "content" only in contents (document files).


Code Block
			"o": "rg",

Beginning with version 10.16 LTS, the request parameter withurl=true leads to export with an additional column URL that contains the URL to open the object in the client. 

Remark: Beginning with version 10.6, the column labels are only given in English. If other labels should be contained in the CSV file, they must be part of the payload as shown below:
