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Product Version2020 Winter
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NameDateProduct VersionAction
Antje Oelschlägel22 FEB 20212020 WinterPage created, filled with content.
Agnieszka04 MAR 20212020 WinterrLANG

titleDeprecated as of 2022 Autumn!

This Service is not part of yuuvis® Momentum anymore as of product version 2022 Autumn.


Use the graphical user interface of yuuvis® management console to manage tenants of your organization.



Table of Contents

Table of Contents
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yuuvis® management console allows you as an organization to manage separated separate tenants that cannot interact with each other. You can define the resource limits for your tenants via packages and check the consumption of their resources via metrics.


Header Area

In the header area, you will find the yuuvis® bar the yuuvis® bar with icons for the most frequently used features, such as the yuuvis® icon the yuuvis® icon on the left, and the settings the settings menu icon on the right. Click the icons to go to the corresponding linked areas.

Whenever you left-click the yuuvis® iconthe yuuvis® icon, the dashboard will appear again.

If you left-click the yuuvis® icon while pressing the yuuvis® icon while pressing Ctrl, a new tab will open with another yuuvis®another yuuvis® management console dashboard in your browser.

On the bottom left, the name of your organization is displayed.

Middle Area

The middle of the dashboard is where In the middle area, you will find the number of managed tenants and the number displayed  managed tenants displayed in a large figure with a Create new tenant button next to it.

Click Create new tenant to  to open a form asking for for IDNameAdministrator e-mail and  and Package for  for a new tenant. Click Save in As of version 2021 Autumn, tick or untick the checkbox Active in order to activate or deactivate the tenant corresponding to customers' contractual agreements. Click Save in order to create the tenant.

Furthermore in the middle area, you can click the Download button to export the Metrics for all tenants of your organization. A file in CSV format will be downloaded containing the following information on all tenants of your organization:

  • Created (creation date of the metrics entry)
  • Tenant ID
  • Tenant name
  • Organization
  • Package
  • Available objects (maximum number defined by the assigned package)
  • Objects (number of objects already stored by the tenant)
  • Available disk space (maximum amount defined by the assigned package)
  • Disk space (already used by the tenant)

These data are a protocol of the use of resources by the individual tenants. Once per day, the current state of resource usage is determined for every user. You can select a date or a time range for the metrics download by clicking the field next to the Download button button. A calendar will open where you can select your date(s) of interest. Per default, the Latest metrics  metrics entries are downloaded.

Tenants List

In the left-most area on the dashboard, the tenants managed by your organization are listed and sorted alphabetically. Below the tenant name, the corresponding ID is displayed.

Click one of the tenants in the list to display it in the tenant management view.

Settings Menu

Open the settings menu via the settings menu icon and Account. The Account view  view of the menu will be displayed. Switch to the members view by clicking the Members tab  tab below below the yuuvis® bar.

Account View

Set the the Language for  for your sessions in yuuvis® management console. You can choose select German or English.

The Edit organization area contains a brief overview about of the selected organization. In the displayed form, you will find the organization Name that which can be modified, but and the Abbreviation cannot which cannot be modified since it is used internally as a unique identification of the organization. Changes can be applied via Save

In the User profile area, you can change your user-specific data.




An overview of the organization members is provided in the Members area. They can log in for to the organization view of yuuvis® management console and maintain manage their organization with their assigned tenants.

Delete a user by clicking the trash icon in the corresponding line.

The Invitation iarea area displays invitation processes. The invitations were sent to the specified e-mail on the specified date (Invited on). The invitees will be members of the organization as soon as they followed the registration link in their invitation e-mail and set up their login. This has to be done before the Expiration date. If the Status of  of an invitation is open, the invitation was has already been sent to the specified e-mail address at the specified date but the invitee did has not registered yet register. If the Status is  is accepted, the invitee is registered and appears also in the the Members area area.

Click New invitation to  to create a new invitation. In the opened form, you have to enter a valid e-mail address of the person you want to invite. You may optionally set an Expiration date after which the initial registration of the invitee is not possible anymore. Select the language for the invitation e-mail from the Language catalog catalog. Click Send to  to invite the new member.

Delete an invitation process by clicking the trash icon in the corresponding line. An After deletion, an initial registration is not no longer possible anymore for an invitee with open invitation invitation Status.

Tenant Management View

Below the header area, the name of the tenant you want to manage is displayed.

Switch between Summary view and User management view via the menu on the left-hand side.

Summary View

As of version 2021 Autumn, the Activate/Deactivate button on the top right activates/deactivates the tenant according to customers' contractual agreements.

The Delete tenant button on  button on the top right deletes the organization tenant together with all included users if no data is stored within that tenant.

The Package area displays the a list of available packages. The highlighted one is assigned to the current tenant. Click one of the other packages to assign this one it instead.

The Statistics area, so far, is currently empty. With one of the next Releasesreleases, this area will provide an overview of resources resource consumption plotted over the time.

In the Contingents area, the current status of resources used by the tenant can be displayed: the Number of objects that were created by users of the tenant, and Disk space used for storing those objects. The maximum for both figures is defined by the assigned package.

User Management View

List of Users

All users of the selected tenant are listed. Each row corresponds to one user. The list is displayed with the following columns:

Column name


ActiveTicked users are activated and can log in. An unticked and thus deactivated user will not be able to log in.
User nameUser name for the login of the user. The field is mandatory.
First nameFirst name of the user.
Last nameLast name of the user.
E-mailE-mail address of the user. By clicking the entry, a new e-mail will be opened in your local e-mail client with the specified e-mail address as addresseerecipient.
RolesThe roles assigned to the user. You can add or remove roles.
IDUnique user ID automatically set by the yuuvis® Momentum system.

Sort the list by a column by clicking its header. Clicking the column header repeatedly will invert the sort direction.

Filter the list by clicking the icon in any column header and typing your search term.



New Users

In order to add a new user to your tenant, click the Add user button on  button on the right in the top bar. The New user area will  area will open and display a blank form asking for the data of the user to be added. Mandatory fields are are User nameE-mail and Roles, where you can choose select one or multiple several of the roles provided in the dropdown catalog.

Click Save to  to add the user to your tenant.

The user will get an invitation e-mail guiding them to the registration page.

Editing User Data

In the list of users, click on the row of the user for which you want to edit the data. The properties area will open with the data of the selected row arranged in a form. You can edit the values for First nameLast name and  and E-Mail, assign additional roles or remove roles, and activate or deactivate the user via the checkbox  Active checkbox. The password of the user is not displayed and can only be changed only by the corresponding user.

Click the Save button to  button to apply your changes. The data of the user will be updated in the list.




In the list of users, click on the row of the user you want to delete. The properties area will open where you can find the Delete button. Confirm with OK in  in the pop-up window. The user will be removed from the list.


In the organization view of yuuvis® management console, organization members can use a graphical user interface to manage the tenants of their organization. Packages can be selected, resources consumption can be checked and users of the tenants can be managed.


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