yuuvis® Momentum Requirements

Check the requirements and recommendations of third-party software in order to set up a productive yuuvis® Momentum system.

Table of Contents


yuuvis® Momentum is a product with a lot of variety for customers. The core services can be combined with different third-party software products, selected by the customers according to their needs. This article gives an overview of the required third-party software infrastructure and the tested versions of different providers.

The client services require Keycloak as authentication provider, whereas the core services can be combined with any authentication provider supporting the OAuth 2.0 protocol as described below. In case you want to operate the core services only, you are more free in the choice of the authentication provider.

The systems listed have been tested in the listed versions together with the current release in the OPTIMAL SYSTEMS release tests and their compatibility has been ensured.

yuuvis® Momentum uses standardized interfaces and integration technologies, meaning that yuuvis® Momentum also works with a wide range of older or more recent versions of the systems listed and with other unlisted systems. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS does not guarantee compatibility for systems not listed in the system requirements and performs its services subject to restrictions (in particular, no damage repair) in accordance with the prevailing maintenance contracts. In addition, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS guarantees compatibility with a listed system up until the date that the manufacturer guarantees regular (for example, not extended, expanded, individually agreed) support.

Moreover, the system requirements describe the infrastructure needed for a productive yuuvis® Momentum system to provide adequate operational performance. This information is a set of non-binding guidelines. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS can only give a guarantee for a specific system environment on the basis of a customized hardware constellation.

yuuvis® Momentum Core Requirements

Core Services

An overview of the required yuuvis® Momentum services is provided here: Version Tags Services

Required Infrastructure Components

yuuvis® Momentum instances operate in a Kubernetes cluster. The services are deployed via several Helm Charts. For testing purposes, the infrastructure Helm Chart contains a minimal configuration of third-party services required to operate yuuvis® Momentum. However, for productive use, the infrastructure should be compatible not only with yuuvis® Momentum but also with the application purpose. The choice of third-party services should be well-considered in order to not limit the performance of yuuvis® Momentum.


Kubernetes is required for installation and operation of yuuvis® Momentum instances. The versions listed below are supported.

Kubernetes Versions


Deployments for yuuvis® Momentum are offered via Helm Charts and thus require the installation of Helm. The supported versions are listed below.

Helm Version


yuuvis® Momentum requires a relational database instance to store and manage metadata and content files. Many software products are available and can be combined with yuuvis® Momentum. We highly recommend providing yuuvis® Momentum with an exclusive database to ensure performance.

The system requirements for the individual manufacturers must be observed for operation of the relevant database system.

yuuvis® Momentum supports the following databases:

Database Management SystemVersion
PostgreSQL9.4 - 11.10.0
CockroachDB19.2.1 - 20.1
As of 2021 Winter: 20.2 and 21.1

Microsoft SQL Server


(32- and 64-bit)


(32- and 64-bit)


(32- and 64-bit)


(32- and 64-bit)


(32- and 64-bit)

As of 2021 Winter: 2019

(32- and 64-bit)


yuuvis® Momentum works together with the open source search engine Elasticsearch. The following versions are tested with the current yuuvis® Momentum release.

Elasticsearch Versions

In order to operate Elasticsearch together with yuuvis® Momentum, the following plugins are additionally required. Please install a version that is supported by your Elasticsearch version.

  • Intrafind Linguistic Plugin
  • ICU Analysis Plugin


In order to ensure synchrony in internal processes of yuuvis® Momentum, an in-memory data structure store is required. Our tested recommendation is Redis.

Redis Versions

Messaging Systems

yuuvis® Momentum uses the OASIS Advanced Message Queuing Protocoll (AMQP) Version 1.0 for internal messaging. The messaging systems of the corresponding versions listed below are tested with yuuvis® Momentum. Since RabbitMQ does not support AMQP Version 1.0, an additional plugin is required.

Messaging SystemVersionAdditionally Required Plugin


We strongly recommend to use Git as config store for yuuvis® Momentum, that acts as a version control system at the same time. In general, any git server should be sufficient. However, we tested the git servers listed below with the corresponding versions.

Git ServerMinimum  Required Version


S3 Store

yuuvis® Momentum is working with an S3 directory that has to be connected via a service supporting the S3 protocol. All our tests are performed with MinIO, that can operate as store and as protocol service at the same time. It can also be used to connect an S3 store of a different provider to yuuvis® Momentum.

MinIO Versions

Authentication Provider

For operation of yuuvis® Momentum, an authentication provider is required. In general, any authentication provider supporting the OAuth 2.0 protocol can be combined with yuuvis® Momentum. However, we perform all our tests with Keycloak. The supported versions are listed below.

Keycloak Versions

Additional Services

If client services of yuuvis® Momentum are planned to be installed, Keycloak is required as authentication provider.



For operation of the USERSERVICE, an own database instance is required. The same database systems as for the core services are supported.
>> Supported Providers and Versions


The USERSERVICE supports only Keycloak as authentication provider.
>> Supported Versions



For operation of the METRICS service, an own database instance is required. The same database systems as for the core services are supported.
>> Database

BPM Engine


For operation of the BPM Engine, an own database instance is required. The same database systems as for the core services are supported.
>> Supported Providers and Versions


The BPM Engine supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The same versions as for the core services are supported.
>> Supported Versions

yuuvis® client as reference implementation


The reference client supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The same versions as for the core services are supported.
>> Supported Versions

Tenant Management API


yuuvis® management console supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The supported versions are listed below.

Keycloak Versions



The service supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The supported versions are listed below.

Keycloak Versions

yuuvis® architect


yuuvis® architect supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The version has to be supported by the Tenant Management API since endpoints are used by yuuvis® architect.
>> Supported Versions

yuuvis® management console


yuuvis® management console supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The supported versions are listed below. The version has to be supported by the Tenant Management API since endpoints are used by yuuvis® management console.
>> Supported Versions

Libraries for Custom Clients

With our framework libraries, custom clients can be built.


The framework library supports only Keycloak as authentication provider. The same versions as for the core services are supported.
>> Supported Versions

Further Requirements

You can find information on the required third-party building software in the libraries documentation.
>> Custom Client Build with Libraries


Choose the third-party components for yuuvis® Momentum according to your needs. Find a guideline for installation via Helm Charts linked below. 

Read on

Installation Guide

Install and configure services required in order to run yuuvis® Momentum on an environment supporting Kubernetes. Start with Helm charts for testing purposes and replace default third-party software according to your preferences. Keep reading

Installing and Configuring Keycloak as an Identity Provider

Guideline for manual installation and configuration of keycloak as an identity provider for yuuvis® Momentum. Keep reading