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Configure the validation of the internal JSON Web Token that is used to authorize an API call reaching the individual services in the yuuvis® Momentum cluster.

The validation of internal JSON Web Tokens will be supported as of version 2021 Autumn.

Table of Contents


In order to prevent unauthorized access from outside by faking the JWT, as of version 2021 Autumn, its signature can be used for an additional validation of the caller's authorization. The validation is provided by the internal endpoint /authentication/jwt/verify of the AUTHENTICATION Service. In order to activate the validation, the endpoint has to be exposed manually.

Configuration and Usage of Validation

Expose the internal endpoint /jwt/verify/** in the profile authentication-prod.yml.

- endpoints: /jwt/verify/**
  expose: true

Restart the authentication pod.

The endpoint can now be called with the JWT in the authorization header:

curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJqd3Qtc2ln...' http://authentication/jwt/verify

If the signature of the JWT matches its header and payload, the validation will be successful and the response body contains true. If the validation fails, the response body contains false.

Customer-specific Keys for Signature

The AUTHENTICATION service uses a certificate for the signature of the internal JWTs. We recommend to replace our default certificate by a customer-specific key. To configure the usage of a customer-specific key (openssl is required), follow these steps:


Validate the internal JSON Web Token (JWT) by exposing the internal endpoint /authentication/jwt/verify of the AUTHENTICATION service. For the JWT generation, replace our default certificate by a customer-specific key.

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Access Authorization and Permissions

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Authentication against the Core API

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