ticket number | description | component | priority | support call |
TUK-4860 | The notification is overlapping the form buttons | yuuvis RAD client | major |
TUK-4858 | issue with dynamic field | yuuvis RAD client | blocker |
TUK-4846 | When hovering over the adding button in the process file only the top area is indicating this | yuuvis RAD client | major |
TUK-4777 | issue with vertical scroll in all lists with paging | yuuvis RAD client | major |
TUK-4757 | The download of an item with a content in the in-tray is no more possible | yuuvis RAD client | critical |
TUK-4752 | In the version view for one focused version, the aspects 'History', 'References', and 'Signatures' are shown but shouldn't | yuuvis RAD client | critical |
TUK-4750 | In the 'Changes' aspect of the version view, the storage information is shown but should not | yuuvis RAD client | critical |
TUK-4733 | Issue with the sorting of list items in the 'My processes' view | yuuvis RAD client | critical |
DB-8202 | Request to the signing service is made when the action menu of an object is opened, even if it is not activated | yuuvis RAD client | major | 00066941, 00067551 |
DB-8201 | error if signing modull is not activated | yuuvis RAD client | minor |
DB-8148 | The selection of a value in a dynamic list tree does not lead to a dirty form and after saving other changed data the selected one is missing | yuuvis RAD client | critical |
DB-8143 | incorrect search results when using date time parameters | yuuvis RAD client | major | 00066195 |
DB-8137 | In the Recycle bin' view, the tool-tip of filter shows the wrong text | yuuvis RAD client | major | 00066551 |
DB-8115 | The aspect 'Changes' in the versions view does not work properly | yuuvis RAD client | major | 00066194, 00066732 |
DB-8114 | A custom dashboard with a web page widget does not scale with the browser size | yuuvis RAD client | minor | 00066144 |
DB-7986 | In case of an used external Identity Management system the client does not redirect in case of a 401 error to the configured logout URL but opens his standard login page as well | yuuvis RAD client | major | 00063817 |
TUK-4881 | The documentation of the structure-service tool can no longer be reached | yuuvis RAD structure-service | minor |
TUK-4879 | The structure service fills the services-log with too much INFO log output by default | yuuvis RAD structure-service | minor |
TUK-4827 | adjust layout of adminservice to be more clear (slim) | yuuvis RAD adminservice | major |
TUK-2262 | The service-admin is reporting an error when requesting the argus-service for restarting the structure-service and viewer-service | yuuvis RAD adminservice | major |
TUK-2244 | The dms-sidecar erroneously identifies the core-service as status UP | yuuvis RAD dms-sidecar | major |
TUK-4761 | The rendition-sidecar erroneously identifies the rendition-plus as status UP | yuuvis RAD rendition-sidecar | major |
DB-8152 | The Swagger-ui of the messaging-service is not working correctly | yuuvis RAD messaging-service | major |