SYSTEM Service

SYSTEM Service

This core service manages schemata, role sets and app sets. Find here characteristics and configuration options.

Table of Contents


Service Namesystem
Port Range7400
Helm Chartyuuvis


Schemata and role sets are important customizable configuration files. While role sets define access permissions, schemata define properties and object types that can be global, tenant- or app-specific.

The SYSTEM service treats calls of the public GET and POST endpoints for managing those configuration files. Any update of an active role set, app set or schema is communicated with other services that require this information. The behavior of the SYSTEM service can partially be configured according to the customer's needs.

The following endpoints provided by the API gateway are forwarded to the SYSTEM service.

Schema and Role Set Management

Those endpoints deal with either global, tenant-specific or app-specific definitions of a role set or schema. The GET endpoints return the corresponding active configurations. The POST.../validation endpoints check whether a user-definded file is a valid configuration for the corresponding purpose. Also, the POST endpoints without /validation check whether the passed file is valid for the corresponding purpose. If valid, the new configuration is activated replacing the previous one. If invalid, an error will be thrown and the current configuration stays active.


The yuuvis® Momentum configuration files for the operation in the Kubernetes cluster are stored on the Git Server configured in the system. In order to change the configuration of a service, you need to access the Git repository. 

Note: The schema.xmlroleset.xml and apps.xml files are stored via the configuration service (CONFIG). Thus, they are also saved in Git. In contrast to the service configuration files, these files (schema, role set etc.) should only be changed using the yuuvis® Momentum API.

Parameters in Profiles

The following parameters are referenced from the corresponding profiles. Click a profile in order to display descriptions and default values of the corresponding parameters.




The values for the parameters can be modified as described here.
>> Configuring Services using Profiles.

Read on

Schema - Defining Object Types

Detailing the available schema, object type definitions as well as property definitions. Keep reading

Access Authorization and Permissions

A yuuvis® Momentum user has to be authorized to the functionality of the system by assigning roles. For the individual roles, permissions can be set to allow actions on objects restricted by defined conditions where appropriate and the usage of specific endpoints can be controlled. Keep reading


Management of apps that are based on yuuvis® Momentum via schema, permissions and availability configurations. Keep reading

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