DELETE /tenant-management/api/system/tenants/{tenant}

DELETE /tenant-management/api/system/tenants/{tenant}

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Winter | component version 1.0
Request MethodDELETE

Deletes the specified tenant.

The tenant is only deleted if no DMS objects are stored. If the tenant does not contain any DMS object, all client-side configurations are deleted. The configuration files saved via the CONFIGSERVICE like tenant schema, forms, localization files, and catalogs are deleted as well. In case the CONFIGSERVICE is not available, those configuration files remain and have to be deleted manually later on.

Note: This endpoint is still under development. Its behavior might change with the next release.

Meaning of the response status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
204 NO CONTENTSuccessful, the specified tenant has been deleted.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDThe call was unauthorized.
404 NOT FOUNDThe specified tenant was not found.

Request Example


Response Example


no response body