GET /api-web/api/bpm/tasks

GET /api-web/api/bpm/tasks

As of Version

product version 2020 Autumn | component version 

Request MethodGET
Response FormatJSON

Retrieves a list of tasks corresponding to the businessKey specified as query parameter.

The following query parameters can optionally be added to the request URL.

businessKeystringOnly return process instances with the given businessKey.
includeProcessVariablesbooleanInclude process variables in the result.
pageinteger($int32)Results page you want to retrieve (0…N). Default is 0 which means the first page.
processInstanceIdstringOnly return tasks which are part of the process instance with the given ID.
sizeinteger($int32)Number of objects per page.
sortstringSorting of results either ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default sort order is ascending.

Response HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200The request was successful and the process instances are returned.
400A parameter was passed in the wrong format. The status message contains additional information.
Request Example


no request body

Response Example

200 OK

response body
  "data": [],
  "total": 0,
  "start": 0,
  "sort": "id",
  "order": "asc",
  "size": 0