PATCH /api-web/api/dms/catalogs/{qname}

PATCH /api-web/api/dms/catalogs/{qname}

As of Version

product version 2021 Summer | component version 

Request MethodPATCH
Response FormatJSON

Updates the existing tenant-specific catalog identified by its name qname or creates a modified copy of an existing global catalog, with the data passed in JSON format in the request body.

The tenant-specific resource will be checked first. If a catalog with name qname is available, it will be updated. Otherwise the global resource will be checked. If there is a catalog with name qname, it will be copied to the tenant-specific resource. This copy will be updated.

In the response body, the modified tenant-specific catalog will be returned.

If no catalog with name qname is available in both tenant-specific and global resources, an error will be thrown.

The role YUUVIS_MANAGE_SETTINGS is required.

Response HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200 OK
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Internal Server Error
Request Example


request body
	"op": "replace",
	"path": "/entries/1/name",
	"value": "Rental agreement"
	"op": "remove",
	"path": "/entries/3
	"op": "add",
	"path": "/entries/-",
	"value": {
		"name": "Purchase contract",
		"disabled": true}
Response Example

200 OK

response body
  "tenant": "mytenant",
  "readonly": false,
  "entries": [
      "name": "Employment contract",
      "disabled": false
      "name": "Rental agreement",
      "disabled": false
      "name": "User contract",
      "disabled": false
      "name": "Purchase contract",
      "disabled": true