POST /api/dms/objects/search

As of Version

product version 1.0 | component version 1.0

Request MethodPOST
Response FormatJSON
Required Permissionaction read
>> Roles and Role Sets

To query DMS objects, send the request with the search query as request body.

The search query is passed in the request body in JSON format. The query language based on CMIS serves to standardize DMS requests to the yuuvis® API system.
>> Search Query Language

Each search request for DMS objects always returns an array of DMS objects called objects, even if the result set is only a single object. I.e,. if a single object is requested, the result is a single-element array, given the object exists. Otherwise, the result is an empty array. The result contains only objects that are visible with a read permission. 

If not otherwise specified in the query statement, the result list is ordered by the system:creationDate object property.

The parameter maxItems defines the maximum number of entries in the hit list, while skipCount defines the number of entries to be skipped in the beginning of the result list. This allows for a client-side implementation of paging.

Request HeaderContent-Type: application/json
Request Example

The search query is passed in the request body in JSON format

	"query": {
		"statement": "SELECT * FROM system:object",
		"skipCount": 0,
		"maxItems": 50
Result Example
	"objects": [{
		"properties": {
			"system:objectId": {
				"value": "cdc7095f-a5ce-486d-92a7-6d0955d969ee"
			"system:baseTypeId": {
				"value": "system:document"
			"system:objectTypeId": {
				"value": "appEmail:email"
			"system:createdBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:creationDate": {
				"value": "2018-01-26T15:21:170Z"
			"system:lastModifiedBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:lastModificationDate": {
				"value": "2018-01-26T15:21:170Z"
			"system:versionNumber": {
				"value": 1
			"system:tenant": {
				"value": "tenant1"
			"system:traceId": {
				"value": "97a35859dbb4c435"
			"appEmail:from": {
				"value": "Garco Meissler <>"
			"appEmail:to": {
				"value": ["Dudreas Annkel <>"]
			"appEmail:cc": {
				"value": ["Kruedeas Anger <>"]
			"appEmail:subject": {
				"value": "Bewerbungsunterlagen"
		"contentStreams": [{
			"contentStreamId": "2B797243-A1F5-11EA-A814-9FABD98CE7A7",
			"length": 173413,
			"mimeType": "message/rfc822",
			"fileName": "upload.eml",
			"digest": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
			"repositoryId": "repo252"
		"properties": {
			"system:objectId": {
				"value": "903f2ae8-2cfc-476c-8386-55c6811e41da"
			"system:baseTypeId": {
				"value": "system:document"
			"system:objectTypeId": {
				"value": "appEmail:email"
			"system:createdBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:creationDate": {
				"value": "2018-02-02T15:14:09.380Z"
			"system:lastModifiedBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:lastModificationDate": {
				"value": "2018-02-02T15:17:16.670Z"
			"system:versionNumber": {
				"value": 3
			"system:tenant": {
				"value": "tenant1"
			"system:traceId": {
				"value": "7603680281439810506"
			"appEmail:from": {
				"value": "Ram Evalow <>"
			"appEmail:to": {
				"value": ["Dudreas Annkel <>"]
			"appEmail:subject": {
				"value": "Der Fischer und seine Seele"
			"appEmail:attachmentcount": {
				"value": 2
			"appEmail:attachmentnames": {
				"value": ["Der_Fischer_und_seine_Seele.pdf",
		"contentStreams": [{
			"contentStreamId": "B3172D83-BDB5-11E8-B133-074F092B56CB",
			"length": 431397,
			"mimeType": "message/rfc822",
			"fileName": "upload.eml",
			"digest": "11857B6FAD61E41AFB3E7398BA1BA4BFB6B0A5422762FF41A0907BC0BFF7748F",
			"repositoryId": "repo252"
	"numItems": 2,
	"hasMoreItems": false,
	"totalNumItems": 2


array of DMS objects
metadata fields, basic parameters and system fields of an object