DMS Endpoints

DMS Endpoints

Manage DMS objects in yuuvis® Momentum or retrieve structural information for the tenant that are relevant for all its users.

In the default configuration, any logged-in user has access to the endpoints. However, the creation, retrieval, update and deletion of DMS objects require corresponding roles.

As of version 2022 Autumn, some processes that lead to an update of the index of the search engine can be called with the query parameter waitForSearchConsistency.
>> find details below

HTTP Method
as of product version
PurposeResponse FormatDescription

Basic CRUD Operations

as of 1.0

Store one or more new DMS objectsJSON

Stores files and their metadata as DMS objects of a specified type.
Requires a multipart body with a metadata parameter (e.g., metadata.json), as well as a binary content parameter (any file). A successful POST returns the metadata of the stored object(s).

as of 1.0

Search for objects by search query


Returns a hit list according to the CMIS-based search query provided within the request body. Returns a JSON array of the DMS objects found and visible by read permission. Two parameters allow for paging.

as of 1.0

Retrieve object metadata by ID


Retrieves the metadata of a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 1.0

Retrieve document content by ID

binary data

Gets the content file related to a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 2020 Autumn

Retrieve text rendition of content by ID

plain text

Gets the content file's full text rendition related to a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 2021 Summer

Update text rendition by IDHTTP status code

Updates the full-text rendition related to a DMS object identified by objectId.


as of 2020 Winter

Retrieve PDF rendition of content by ID


Gets the content file's PDF rendition related to a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 1.0

Update object metadata by ID


Updates all metadata of a DMS object, identified by objectId, with the metadata send within the request.
Changes the whole set of user controlled properties, i.e., properties missing in the new metadata sent will be removed. Implicitly creates a new version.

as of 2019 Winter
Patch-Update object metadata by ID


Patch-updates metadata of a DMS object identified by objectId with the metadata send within the request.
Changes only properties that occur in the request body. Properties absent from the request body are left unchanged. A property value can be removed by sending null as its new value.

as of 2021 Autumn
Patch-update object metadata by IDJSON

Updates metadata in multiple objects specified by ID in the JSON request body.

as of 1.0

Update document content by ID


Replaces the content file of an DMS object identified by objectId with the binary file provided in the request. Implicitly creates a new version.

as of 1.0

Delete object by ID

http status code

Deletes a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 2021 Winter

Delete multiple objects by ID

http status code

Deletes multiple objects specified by ID in the JSON request body.

Operations on old Versions

as of 1.0
Retrieve object metadata by ID (all versions)JSON

Retrieves the metadata of all versions of a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 1.0
Retrieve object metadata by ID (specified version)JSON

Retrieves the metadata of a given version of a DMS object identified by objectId and versionNr.

as of 1.0

Retrieve document content by ID (specified version)

binary data

Gets the content related to a version of a DMS object identified by objectId and versionNr.

as of 2022 Winter
Retrieve PDF rendition of content by ID (specified version)PDF

Returns the content file's PDF rendition of the DMS document object version specified by objectId and versionNr.

as of 2022 Spring

Restore specified version.JSON

Restores the old version of an object specified by objectId and versionNr.

as of 1.0
Delete object by ID (specified version)http status code

Deletes a version of a DMS object identified by objectId and versionNr.

History Access

as of 1.0
Retrieve a list of history entriesJSON

Retrieves the history entries of a DMS object identified by objectId.
History entries document modifications of or actions performed on a DMS object.

Content Validation

as of 1.0

Validate content by ID


Validates the content of a DMS object identified by objectId.
A digest (SHA256) is calculated and compared against the one already generated and stored in the metadata upon import or update.

as of 1.0

Validate content by ID (specified version)


Validates the content of a version of a DMS object identified by objectId and versionNr.

Repository Operations

as of 2019 Winter
Move document content by ID to specified repositoryJSON

Moves the binary content file assigned to the object specified by objectId to the target repository specified by repositoryId.

as of 2019 Winter
Move document content by ID (specified version) to specified repositoryJSON

Moves the binary content file assigned to the selected version of the object specified by objectId to the target repository specified by repositoryId.

Document Lifecycle Management - Tagging

as of 2020 Summer
Retrieve object tags by IDJSON

Retrieves all tags of a DMS object identified by objectId. The tags are displayed as a table with the values name, state, creationDate and traceId.

as of 2020 Summer
Add object tag by IDJSON

Adds a tag to a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 2020 Summer
Update object tag by IDJSON

Updates a tag of a DMS object identified by objectId.

as of 2020 Summer

Add/update object tag by search query


Returns a list of objects according to the CMIS-based search query provided with the query= parameter. For the first record returned, the tag and state of the request given will be added/updated. All other objects matched by the query remain unchanged.

as of 2020 Summer
Delete object tag by IDhttp status code

Deletes a tag of a DMS object identified by objectId.

Schema Retrieval - Object Type Information

as of 1.0
Retrieve applied tenant schemaXML / JSON

Gets the applied tenant schema in its native structure.
This schema contains all available DMS object types—system types, global types and tenant-specific types. The schema tells you which object types bearing which properties are defined and available.

as of 1.0
Retrieve applied tenant schema with an alternative structureJSON

Gets the applied tenant schema. This ist similar to the GET /api/dms/schema/native. The result schema contains the same DMS object types, but it is structured in a different way.

as of 1.0
Retrieve an object type's definition by its local nameJSON

Retrieves the definition of the object type identified by localname. The definition contains attributes of the object type and definitions of all its fields.

Version and App Information

as of 2022 Spring
Retrieves installed product versionJSON
as of 2021 Summer
Retrieve all applications for the tenantJSON

Retrieves all applications available in the tenant the currently logged-in user belongs to.

Parameter 'waitForSearchConsistency' for Endpoints with Effect on the Search Index

As of version 2022 Autumn, some processes that lead to an update of the index of the search engine can be called with the query parameter waitForSearchConsistency.

Value of 'waitForSearchConcistency'ProcessingDescriptionAdvantageDisadvantage
truesynchronousThe success response of the corresponding endpoint is returned after the successful update of the search index.The changes are available even for search requests that are sent immediately after the synchronous processing.The waiting time before the response is rather long.
falseasynchronousThe success response of the corresponding endpoint does not wait for the update of the search index.The waiting time for the response is far shorter.Search requests sent immediately after the change request may be processed before the search index is updated. 

The update and import endpoints listed below accept an optional query parameter waitForSearchConsistency.

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