yuuvis® architect

yuuvis® architect

yuuvis® architect makes a client administrator much more efficient in managing settings and users by means of a graphical user interface.

Table of Contents

yuuvis® architect provides a support tool with a graphical user interface for client administrators. Based on the framework library, metadata forms of their client's graphical user interface can be modeled. Furthermore, users can be added or removed from the respective tenant and language settings can be customized.

After installing the client services, yuuvis® architect can be accessed via the following URL: https://<domain>/architect.

yuuvis® architect works with the default roles.

First Steps in yuuvis® architect

The yuuvis® architect dashboard shows the most important application information at a glance.

>> Dashboard and Menus

Rights Provided via Roles

Rights management in yuuvis® Momentum client and yuuvis® architect is role-based.

Depending on the description of the position and tasks, employees work with different data, functions, and applications. User rights for access to data, functions, and applications in accordance with the employees’ fields of duties and responsibility are grouped into roles in yuuvis®. In this way, users with the same fields of duties and responsibility also have the same rights in the system.

Users can view the roles assigned to them via their settings.

>> Rights and Roles

Definition of Object Types

Any business object handled in your client has an object type. The available object types are defined in the yuuvis® Momentum schema as document, folder or secondary object type. This article gives an introduction into the basics of the yuuvis® Momentum schema and the particularities for yuuvis® Momentum client and yuuvis® architect.

>> Object Types

Customizing Language Settings

The Localization tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles.

In your client, forms are used to present the properties of your business objects. yuuvis® architect allows you to customize the labels of the individual property fields in the forms, the filters and the columns for hit lists.

>> Localization

Modeling Forms for the Presentation of Objects

The Form Modeling tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles.

You can model the Metadata aspect area in CREATE and EDIT forms that are offered in your client to view and edit metadata. It also possible to combine the form modeling with situation-specific scripts. To check the current layout during modeling, yuuvis® architect provides a form preview presenting the modeled metadata form as it will appear in your client.

>> Form Modeling

Managing Users of a Tenant

Users with the YUUVIS_MANAGE_SETTINGS or YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles see the User management tile on the dashboard.

This view of yuuvis® architect provides a graphical interface for administrative users in order to manage users belonging to their tenant. Individual users can be edited or deleted and users can be added. New users will be invited via e-mail to set up their passwords.

The functionality is provided by the admin endpoints of the Tenant Management API.

>> User Management

Maintaining Catalogs

Pick lists with pre-defined entries can be used in the forms for the properties of your business objects in your client. Those pick lists are provided by so-called dynamic catalogs of the Web-API Gateway. Thus, yuuvis® architect allows you to create and modify dynamic catalogs leading to changes in the pick lists displayed in your client.

>> Catalog Management

Defining Properties and Object Types

As of 2022 Summer, the Schema management tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles.

You can use this graphical user interface provided by yuuvis® architect to define object types and their properties for the business objects in your client application. The object types and properties are defined in schema structures. Depending on the roles assigned to the currently logged-in user, it is possible to manage the global schema, app schemata and/or tenant schemata.

>> Schema Management

Business Processes and Tasks

Get an overview of business processes within your tenant via a graphical user interface.

The Process management (BPM) tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN role.

>> Process Management (BPM)

Read on

Dashboard and Menus

Find information on the icons und tiles displayed on the dashboard of yuuvis® architect. Keep reading

Custom Client Build with Libraries

Documentation of the client core and framework libraries, as usable for custom client development. Keep reading

yuuvis® management console

yuuvis® management console supports organizations in their tenant and user management, and hosts in package and organization management by means of a graphical user interface. Keep reading

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