GET /api/dms/objects/{objectId}/actions/validate/digest

GET /api/dms/objects/{objectId}/actions/validate/digest

As of Version

product version 1.0 | component version 1.0

Request MethodGET
Response FormatHTTP status code
Required Permissionaction read
>> Roles and Role Sets

To validate the content digest of a DMS object, send the request with the ID of the DMS object as objectId. The content SHA-256 digest is recalculated from the object's binary content file and compared to the value generated and stored in the object's content streams properties.

Request Example
Result Example
Meaning of the response status codes:

200 OK

The value of the content digest stored in the metadata is still correct.

404 Not Found

The DMS object with the ID objectId can not be found.

409 Conflict

The calculated content digest does not match the value stored in the metadata.