Auto-complete Plug-in Examples

Auto-complete Plug-in Examples

This document is for developers or administrators who reuse the prepared and delivered plug-ins for the auto-complete service or want to use other examples which are described below as well.

How to develop auto-complete plug-ins is described here: Auto-complete Plug-ins

Delivered Plug-ins

With every installation of the service-manager, two plug-ins are installed.
The availability and a summary can be checked by calling the info endpoint:


Beginning with version 10.10, this object-catalog can be defined via a selected object type. The object type fields must be mapped to the target fields of the catalog. This is done via the following URL parameters









Possible values: create, edit, or search (empty equals no evaluation)

Use the placeholder {situation} to dynamically resolve this to the current form situation (create, edit, or search) the user is working with (done by the client).



Technical name of the object type where the values are read from.



Technical name of the object type property of type string containing the value for the list.



Technical name of the object type property of type string containing the neutral description for the value if no localization is needed.



Technical name of the object type property containing the description for the value for English.
The language key must match the first two letters of the accepted-language of the request.



The order direction. Default is desc, alternative is asc



Technical name of the object type property of type boolean containing the flag controlling the attribute selectable of the entry in the situation edit. Default is yes, alternative is no.



Technical name of the object type property of type boolean containing the flag controlling the attribute selectable of the entry in the situation create. Default is yes, alternative is no.

URL Example for object-catalog:

You can test the object-catalog endpoint via the browser with the following example configurations:

Download this package with schema-template containing the object type catcurrency, add it to your schema, include permissions in your role, and deploy the schema:

Download this package with the data and the import tool. Edit the catcurrencyimport.properties and enter data for accessing the rest-ws, save the changes, and then run catcurrencyimport.bat

Open the browser, and enter this URL and exchange <servicemanager> with your domain:


In the designer, for an object property of type string the attribute URL for auto-complete looks like this:


Response example

{ "entries": [ { "value": "AED", "description": "UAE Dirham", "selectable": true }, { "value": "AFN", "description": "Afghani", "selectable": true }, { "value": "ALL", "description": "Lek", "selectable": true }, ... }


Beginning with version 10.10, this catalog is filled with the contents of a JSON file located on the server and accessible to the client-service.
To use this plug-in, the file path must be defined in the client-prod.yml:

json.catalog.sources - pathkey: 'example1' path: '../data/example1.json' - pathkey: 'example2' path: '../data/example2.json'

The parameter passkey determines the source file for this catalog. The parameter refresh controls whether the file is read for every request or only at the startup of the client-service. The default is false.

The content of the JSON files must match the following format with entries that can be defined recursively:

{ "entries": [ { "value": "EU", "description": "Europe", "description_de": "Europa", "selectable": false, "entries": [ { "value": "GER", "description": "Germany", "create": false, "edit": false }, { "value": "GRC", "description": "Greece" }, { "value": "FRA", "description": "France" } ] }, { "value": "AUS", "description": "Australia", "roles": [ "TEST_ROLE_1", "TEST_ROLE_2" ] } ] }

The roles are compared with the yuuvis RAD role names associated with the logged-in user. The values edit, create and selectable define whether the entry is selectable in the given form situation and if it is selectable at all. With selectable = false the entry is only shown but cannot be selected in the edit or create situation of the form in the client.

Response example

For the user’s language set to de and the situation= search the response looks like this:

Form script usage for dynamic list fields

This section shows examples of how to reuse the auto-complete plug-ins within form fields classified as a dynamic list.


This simple plug-in dummy offers the data of the Greek alphabet:

Its returned data looks like this:

The following formscript calls the auto-complete endpoint dummy and fills the object property stringforalphabet:



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