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The services yuuvis® Momentum Core is made of.

yuuvis® Momentum fields a core consisting of a small zoo of cloud-native microservices, which allows for high availability and scalability. The entirety of the core's functions is made available through the API-gateway as core API. Two servicesthree if counting in the API-gateway serve the microservice architecture itself: ADMIN allowing service administration like restarting a service or changing its intended amount of instances, and CONFIG, reading, caching and delivering configuration information to the other services.

NameFunctionConfiguration profilesCertificatesStandard portsScalable
APIAPI-gatewayprod, cloud, redisno7450-7459yes
Basic Core Services
AUTHENTICATIONuser authentication, session managementprod, cloudyes80no
ORGANIZATIONmapping users to roles (the latter carrying the permissions)prod, cloud, mq, trusted, keycloakyes7440-7449yes
SYSTEMschema managementprod, cloud, mq, redisyes7400yes
(as of 2020 Autumn)
REPOSITORYmanagement of the binary storageprod, cloudno7500-7509yes
REGISTRYmanagement of object metadata in the relational databaseprod, cloud, mq, jpa, dbs, redisno7510-7519yes
INDEXindexing in Elasticsearchprod, cloud, es, mq, redisno7291-7300yes
SEARCHprocessing of queriesprod, cloud, es, mqno7221-7230yes
AUDITobject history, audit trail managementprod, cloud, jpa, dbsno7251yes
CONTENTANALYZERsynchronous full-text extraction and determination of the MIME typeprod, cloudno7430-7439yes
Archive Services
ARCHIVEconnector for storage solutionsprod, cloud, storageno7530-7539yes
Rendition Services
CONTROLLERjob messaging using third party RabbitMQ and more, used for asynchronous operationsprod, es, oauth2, lc, mqyes7332-7335yes
TEXTEXTRACTORasynchronous full-text extractionprod, cloud, lc, mqno7400-7429yes
RENDITIONgeneration of renditions of submitted documents

Structural Services

ADMIN* **administration, monitoring, configurationprod, cloudno7273yes
CONFIG configuration serverprod, cloud, nativeno7281yes
DISCOVERY**service registrationprod, cloudno7261no
Rollback Administration
COMMANDER*command tool for rollbacksprod, dbs, esno7412


* service of special interest for DevOps | ** obsolete when using Kubernetes

Read on

Basic Use Case Flows

Graphical overviews describing the interaction of the yuuvis® Momentum core services in exemplary basic use case flows.  Keep reading

Authentication against the Core API

This article details the authentication methods compatible with the yuuvis® Core API and how to choose the correct one for your use case. Keep reading

Configuring Services using Profiles

This article explains the usage of service profiles in yuuvis® Momentumhow to add and use custom profiles. Keep reading

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