ticket number | description | component | priority | support call |
TUK-5789 | The gateway-service does not redirect correctly if a context path is configured | yuuvis RAD gateway | Blocker |
TUK-5787 | The renovated management-studio is not able to start in case of a configured context path | yuuvis RAD management-studio | Blocker |
TUK-5776 | The core-service startup fails after new installation due a missing configuration for the updated jdbc driver | yuuvis RAD core-service | Critical |
DB-8676 | The order of object aspects is not remembered if no split is active | yuuvis RAD client | Major | 00074692 |
TUK-5353 | All microservices of yuuvis RAD version 9.16 LTS are updated to Spring Boot 3.3.3 | yuuvis RAD service-manager | Critical |
TUK-5342 | Activate index service heartbeat on 9.16 | yuuvis RAD index-service, yuuvis RAD messaging-service | Major |
ERA-10332 | For yR cummulative patch: Update infrastructure dependency | yuuvis RAD bpm-service, yuuvis RAD inbox-service | Major |
DB-8678 | 'Form data not saved' is shown when opening the table via double click on reference field | yuuvis RAD client | Trivial |