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The rmalink-service can connect to an SAP instance by automatic certificate activation or without using any certificate. Manual activation of certificates is the default behavior. (internal: SAP-2934)
Active SAP certificates can be deactivated through the Swagger endpoint. (internal SAP-2941)
We strongly recommend the use of certificates for security reasons.
yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus
Beginning in January 2025, business partners must exchange invoices electronically in specific formats like ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, or XRechnung. In the case of the XML-based invoices, an example e-invoice converter for the rendition-plus is provided on the developer portal. If users want to preview such invoices the readable PDF rendition will be shown instead. See the documentation on how to install this converter and how to configure the client to preview the PDF rendition for such XML invoices.
yuuvis® RAD client
The following features increase the user productivity: