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yuuvis® RAD
SAP repositorymanager (5 minutes, Hagen)
DevOps-Tools 1.7.0 (15 minutes, Nicolai)
Features / Fixes:
The new component "Rendition Cleanup" is now available. It clears .error files and unexpected fiels or folders from the rendition-cache directory. The "Clear" action has the following options: list, list and delete, or list, delete and recreate (if possible). The use of this component is very intuitive. However, should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Nicolai.
yuuvis® Momentum
Public API of Userservice (5 minutes, Bratislav)
Results from the cooperation between Kyocera and Optimal Systems
yuuvis® RAD - KDIT (15 minutes, Keiji TSUDA)
Customer: Kyocera Document Solutions Italia (KDIT)
A short presentation about the RINGI-Solution (contract management, DocuSign Integration).
LiteDMS (5 minutes, Nikola M.)