

yuuvis® RAD

SAP repositorymanager (5 minutes, Hagen)

The SAP repositorymanager for yuuvis® RAD has been newly implemented and extended by the ILM interface. It is officially shipped with yuuvis® RAD 7.6. As a pre-release version, it can already be used by customers with yuuvis® RAD 6.16 (LTS).

DevOps-Tools 1.7.0 (15 minutes, Nicolai)

The new component "Rendition Cleanup" is now available. It clears .error files and unexpected fiels or folders from the rendition-cache directory. The "Clear" action has the following options: list, list and delete, or list, delete and recreate (if possible). The use of this component is very intuitive. However, should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Nicolai.

You can download the component here. (updated 15.11.2021)

yuuvis® Momentum

Public API of Userservice (5 minutes, Bratislav)

Userservice has obtained a public, stable API. Users with administrative rights can manage data of other users.

Structured Data (15 minutes, Andreas D.)

Usage and possibilities of structured data with example

Documentation (5 minutes, Agnieszka)

The documentation for yuuvis® RAD 7.x is available in German and English. It will be updated regularly with respect to the continuous delivery of the software.

We have taken this release as an opportunity to enhace the user experience of our documentation portal. On the individual help pages, we have added information on how to use the search and documentation. This information can be accessed via the toolbar in the upper right corner or via a dropdown element in the search results.

In the release information, you will now find a new overview page that lists all important information for the current release at a glance. The detailed information about each minor release will still be available to complete the overwiew with information on component versions, change logs and bugfix logs.

Since older versions of yuuvis® RAD are no longer being manintained as of this release, they will also be gradually removed from the documentation portal, so that after a transition period only the documentation for versions 6.16 LTS and 7.x will be available. For users of older versions, the help will still be available from within the software.

For yuuvis® Momentum we have used the release of Version 2021 Summer to restructure the help space. The Getting Started section now offers dedicated pages to each target group with relevant information and the documentation is now organized consistent with the modular structure of the software itself. In the "Core" section,  you learn everything regarding configuration and usage of the core system as it can be a basis for customers' individual project solutions and can be operated without our additional services. However, in addition to the core, "Additional Services" can be installed and libraries are provided to make the build of "Custom Clients" easier. Each of those services has its own documentation section. Notes on Client Development referencing several services are provided in a separate section.

Results from the cooperation between Kyocera and Optimal Systems

yuuvis® RAD - KDIT (15 minutes, Keiji TSUDA)

Customer: Kyocera Document Solutions Italia (KDIT)

A short presentation about the RINGI-Solution (contract management, DocuSign Integration).

LiteDMS (5 minutes, Nikola M.)

Customer:  Kyocera Document Solutions Development America, Inc. (KDDA)

Short information and status of the LiteDMS project.

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