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Page Properties

Product Version2022 Summer
Report Note

Resources & Remarks

Modification History

NameDateProduct VersionAction
JaR06 MAY 20222022 SummerGlumanda


ParameterArgument TypeDescriptionRequiredDefaultExample
--tenant <arg>stringTenant for which all data should be deleted.yes---tenant default

--target-directory <arg>


Target directory for result log.

no---target-directory C:\Users\myusername\ymtenantdeletionlog
--fetch-size <arg>int

Fetch size, used to split days in time periods. Each period contains approximate as many elements as the fetch-size is specified.

The value must be at least 100 and not bigger than than 10000.

no1000--fetch-size 500
--what-ifbooleanSetting this flag will prevent only simulate this command, by counting all documents that would be deleted without this flagnofalse--what-if
--skip-confirmationbooleanSetting this flag will skip the initial warning, that all data is going to be deleted.nofalse--skip-confirmation
