Maintenance and Testing
Maintenance and Testing
- Technische Redaktion
Owned by Technische Redaktion
Guidelines and information regarding maintenance and testing of a running yuuvis® Momentum core system.
yuuvis® Postman Collections
Postman is a free API development tool with a multitude of useful functions for automated testing, documentation, and more. Our yuuvis® Postman Collections kick-start you right into the yuuvis® API world.
Apache JMeter for Testing
A complete JMeter Test Suite for verification of a new or updated yuuvis® Momentum installation, comprising all endpoints of the yuuvis® core API in a number of end-to-end test scenarios.COMMANDER Service for System Maintenance
Perform low-level maintenance on your core system, access the database and carry out Elasticsearch queries.
Monitoring via Prometheus and Graphana
Display the current status and capacity of the services within your yuuvis Momentum cluster via Grafana Web UI.
Use monitoring and maintenance endpoints of a service running in your yuuvis® Momentum cluster.
Service Monitoring and Maintenance
Use monitoring and maintenance endpoints of a service running in your yuuvis® Momentum cluster.
- additional_service
- ai
- amqp_hook
- api
- app
- archive
- audit
- authentication
- bpm
- catalog
- client
- commander
- compound
- concept
- configuration
- contentanalyzer
- core
- docu
- document_lifecycle
- folder
- frontend
- gui
- inference
- installation
- interceptor
- internal_endpoint
- kairos
- localization
- logging
- object_type
- permissions
- prediction
- profile
- rendition
- repository
- retention
- role
- sap
- schema
- search
- system_hook
- tag
- tenant_management
- tutorial
- userservice
- validation
- webhook
- worked_on