Always check: Breaking Changes / Deprecated Features 10.x
yuuvis® RAD client
In the
, the action menu for the task list is introduced providing the actionReturn all accepted tasks
. After execution, other users can work on these returned tasks. Currently, the users have to click many times to return all the tasks. The action menu can be controlled by the use of the keyboard, especially opened by the shortcut Strg -> Strg -> t (for task actions). (internal: TUK-1929)In the
, It is possible to show thepreview
of a document file that is part of the process file within thetask form table edit dialog
. Currently, users must close the dialog to see the document in the inbox. (internal: TUK-2072)The operator list for a
search form
field of typedate
is extended with the operators...
(more) and∅
supports simple time-range searches withplaceholders
. In this case, fields of date or datetime can be searched withyesterday
,this week
,last week
,next week
,this month
,last month
,next month
,this quarter
,last quarter
,next quarter
,this year
,last year
, andnext year
. Searches with such a placeholder can be saved and reused. (internal: TUK-3244)∅
supports the 'without value' search and replaces the click on the field label. (internal: TUK-5442)
The operator list for a
search form
field of typenumber
is extended with the operator≠
(not equal) to find objects not containing the entered term. (internal: TUK-5443)The
form field
of typeorganization
supports the search with theplaceholder
#currentuser# which can be reused in shared saved searches. (internal: TUK-4065)In the case of a search with a datetime property, this field is handled as a field of type date if the operator is '=' like the users practice it with the basis parameters
. (internal: TUK-5313)The responsiveness of the
widget on the dashboard is optimized, its vertical scrollbar has a better contrast and works only for the object type groups. (internal: TUK-5529)The
chart widgets
Pie and Ring can be configured whether the numbers of the partial values are shown in the legend. (internal: TUK-5403)The language files for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai are installed with the client. (internal: TUK-5551)
yuuvis® RAD services
Breaking Change: The repository-manager is replaced by two new SAP-certified microservices,
RMALINK service
for SAP ArchiveLink andRMILM service
for SAP ILM. Manual configurations are necessary. (internal: TUK-5306)
Read the information about the update steps: How to Update/Upgrade 10.xThe
search API
provides to search with aplaceholder
#currentuser# in the case of an organization field…