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NameDateProduct VersionAction
MaxNOV 20202020 Autumnpage updated and enhanced with some information
Antje08 FEB 20212.4New page properties macro.
Antje14 APR 20212021 SummerNew content according to the new structure that will be implemented.
Agnieszka14 APR 20212021 SummerrLANG


Profile TypeConfiguration File Name(s)Referenced byDescription

prod, dev

service-specific configurations:

all services except CONFIG service

Separation of development and production environments. A service with prod (dev) as active profile is running in the production (development) environment.

Per default, all services are deployed in the production environment. If you want to build a test environment, you need to manually create the corresponding profiles.

The CONFIG service will always try to load parameters from an application-prod.yml file at the start even if no profile prod is used. 


Used in Kubernetes systems.
Services will use a Kubernetes-specific internal configuration.

Furthermore, the API gateway and SYSTEM service query the Kubernetes API Server for other services in the namespace.
The list of services is filtered with the condition from the kubernetes profile file.

redisapplication-redis.ymlRedis connection parameters.
mqapplication-mq.ymlMessaging queue connection parameters.
  • AUDIT Service
  • REGISTRY Service
  • COMMANDER Service
Database connection parameters.
esapplication-es.ymlElasticsearch connection parameters
Index configuration used to create Elasticsearch index.
storageapplication-storage.ymlBinary data storage connection parameters.
lcapplication-lc.ymlLifecycle configuration for asynchronous operations.
Enables user-role-mapping in Keycloak.

The profile docker is used to ensure that the services have read their profiles.
If the service is started with the xdocker profile, the docker.enabled application property must have the value true.

oauth2application-oauth2.ymlContains authentication related parameters.
metricsapplication-metrics.ymlProfile under development. In the future, metrics should provide a possibility to monitor responses from the service instance.
jpapostgres, jpa-
  • AUDIT Service
  • REGISTRY Service
Decides whether PostgreSQL wire protocol (jpapostgres) or MS SQL (jpa) should be used for the database connection of the AUDIT and/or REGISTRY service.
If jpapostgres is used, the corresponding service uses the PostgreSQL driver that can connect either a PostgreSQL database or a database which implements the PostgreSQL wire protocol, e.g., CockroachDB.
For the usage of an MS SQL database, remove the jpapostgres profile from the AUDIT and REGISTRY services and assign the jpa profile instead.
  • API Gateway
  • COMMANDER Service

Decides whether a messaging provider should be used by the API gateway and the COMMANDER service or not.

If noamqp is NOT acitvated,

  • the API gateway connects to the messaging provider during the start up. Thus, a messaging provider is required to operate the API Gateway.
  • the COMMANDER service uses the messaging provider during reindexing processes. The messaging queue is used to request the full-text analysis via CONTROLLER and TEXTEXTRACTOR service.

If noamqp is activated,

  • the API gateway does not connect to the messaging provider. Thus, the API gateway cannot send new messages to CONTROLLER and TEXTEXTRACTOR service. Configuration parameters from the profile mq are ignored.
  • the reindexing of the Elasticsearch index via COMMANDER service is performed only for the objects' metadata. The full-text is removed from the reindexed objects. Configuration parameters from the profile mq are ignored.


  • Convert the password in the application-dbs.yml file to Base64 format.
    Example command for Windows Powershell: [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("changeme"))
    Example command for Linux: echo -n "changeme" | base64 -w0
    Both example commands lead to the output Y2hhbmdlbWU=.
  • Create a yuuvis-secrets.yml file with the following content:

    Code Block
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: yuuvis-secrets
      namespace: yuuvis
    type: Opaque

    The section data contains a list of key-value pairs that can contain multiple entries. As spacers within the string key name, only underscores are allowed. The value is the password in Base64 format.

  • Create a Kubernetes Secret by running the command kubectl apply -f yuuvis-secrets.yml.
  • Replace the password in the application-dbs.yml file by a placeholder:

    Code Block
    yuuvis.db.password: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}

  • Adjust the deployments of all yuuvis® services using the profile dbs by extending the section env:

    Code Block
          name: yuuvis-secrets
          key: POSTGRE_PASSWORD

    The name and the key given in secretKeyRef have to correspond to the name and the data value defined in the file yuuvis-secrets.yml.


Profiles act as globally reusable configuration elements or allow for the customization of specific service instances. The file name defines whether the configured parameters are available to multiple services or only one specific service. The profiles can be modified directly before the deployment or in a running system. Custom profiles can be added and referenced as well in addition to the always installed profiles. Sensitive data like passwords can be outsourced from the profiles and stored in Kubernetes Secrets instead.
