
Configuration file containing Elasticsearch connection parameters used by the INDEX, SEARCH, CONTROLLER and TEXTEXTRACTOR services.


Profile Nameapplication-es.yml
Referenced by Servicesindex,search,controller,textextractor
Storage LocationGit root directory 


As of product version 2023 Autumn, the following parameters can be configured:

DescriptionDefault Value

Configurations of Elasticsearch instances. The ID of each instance is defined via the key (e.g., database1). For each search action requested for a DMS object, the list of search databases is read from the top. The first search database for which the predicate is evaluated to true is used. If no predicate is true, the default database is used.


If you apply changes to the configuration of a running system, ensure that existing tenants are directed to their previous search database.

For each Elasticsearch instance, the following parameters have to be specified.

datasourceReference on a configuration in storage.searchdatabases.

predicateSPEL statement specifying the condition under which the search database should be used. As of version 2023 Autumn, the condition can only reference the system:tenant property of DMS objects.

defaultBoolean value that specifies whether the search database should be used as default search database (true) or not (false).
Note: Exactly one search database has to be the default search database.


List of search database (Elasticsearch index) configurations with the following parameters:

urlsRequired. Comma-separated list of one or more URLs to the corresponding Elasticsearch instance(s).-

userOptional. Username to access the Elasticsearch instance(s).-

passwordOptional. Password to access the Elasticsearch instance(s).-

indexOptional. Name of the Elasticsearch index. If no index with the specified name is available, a new index is created.'putitinthere'

languagesOptional. Only applicable during the creation of a new Elasticsearch index: Languages to be configured in the Elasticsearch analyzer configuration specified via ISO codes.
>> Elasticsearch in yuuvis® Momentum


Example configuration:

Example application-es.yml
        datasource: dbsource1
        predicate: 'spel:false'
        default: true
        datasource: dbsource2
        predicate: "spel:properties['system:tenant']['value']=='yuuvistest'"
        default: false
        urls: '<host1>:<portA>','<host2>:<portB>'
        urls: '<host3>:<portC>'
        user: 'exampleuser'
        password: 'examplepassword'
        index: 'exampleindex'
        languages: 'de;en'
        timeout: 30000

Up to product version 2023 Summer, the following parameters are available:

ParameterDescriptionRead by ServiceDefault Value
indexSection of configuration parameters for the Elasticsearch index to be used by yuuvis® Momentum.

indexnameName of the Elasticsearch index. If no index with the specified name is available, a new index is created.INDEX, SEARCHputitinthere
languagesOnly applicable during the creation of a new Elasticsearch index: Languages to be configured in the Elasticsearch analyzer configuration specified via ISO codes.
>> Elasticsearch in yuuvis® Momentum

The values for the parameters can be modified as described here.
>> Configuring Services using Profiles.