These endpoints can be used with the role YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN for role, group and user management. Administrative tenant-specific information can be retrieved as well.
HTTP Method as of product version | Purpose | Response Format | Description |
GET 2020 Winter | Retrieve the Tenant Metrics | JSON | GET /tenant-management/api/admin/metrics
Retrieves the current metrics of the tenant .
/tenant-management/api/admin/metrics |
GET 2020 Winter | Retrieve the Roles | JSON | Gets all roles. |
GET 2020 Winter | Retrieve the Tenant data | JSON | Retrieves the tenant data as given in the Keycloak identity provider for the tenant of the calling user. |
GET | Retrieve a List of Users | JSON | Retrieves a list of all users. As 2021 Autumn, the list can be filtered by applying query parameters. |
POST 2020 Winter | Create a User | JSON | Creates a new user with the given properties. |
GET 2020 Winter | Retrieve a User | JSON | Retrieves the data of the user specified by |
PUT 2020 Winter | Update the Data of a User | HTTP status code | Updates the data of the user specified by |
DELETE 2020 Winter | Delete a User | HTTP status code | Deletes the user specified by |
GET 2020 Winter | Retrieve the Number of Users | TXT | Retrieves the number of all users of the tenant. |