Tenant Management Endpoints

Tenant Management Endpoints

These endpoints can be used for role and user management for a tenant and to create and delete tenants.

This API is provided by the TENANT-MANAGEMENT Service and expects the corresponding requirements.

A Swagger-UI supports calling the API endpoints manually for testing: https://<domain>/tenant-management/swagger-ui.html.

Endpoint Overview

To use this API for user management, you must have the required roles as mentioned below. This means that you must have specific authorizations. To use this API to create and delete tenants, you must be a system integrator.

Endpoints for System Integrators

These endpoints can be used with the role YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR for role, group and user management for a tenant and to create and delete tenants.

HTTP Method
as of product version
PurposeResponse FormatDescription

Manage Tenant Creation Profile

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Keycloak System SettingsJSON

Retrieves the top-level representation of the identity provider Keycloak.

2020 Winter
Update the ProfileHTTP status code

Updates the tenant creation profile that is used while creating a tenant of a customer with all the information that should be set up, e.g., additional roles, users, schema and client settings. Each SaaS application has its own tenant creation profile.

2020 Winter
Retrieve the ProfileJSON

Retrieves the profile data to be used when creating new tenants. Reads the tenant creation profile.

Manage Tenants

2020 Winter
Create a TenantHTTP status code

Creates a new tenant with the values for the corresponding parameters specified in JSON format. Required settings for Keycloak and yuuvis® Momentum core are passed as well as custom (= product application) settings. 

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Data of all TenantsJSON

Retrieves the top-level representation of all realms. It will not include nested information like User and Client representations. Reads the list of all tenants. 

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Tenant data JSON

Retrieves the top-level representation of the Keycloak realm specified by tenant. It will not include nested information like User and Client representations. Reads the tenant data of the specified tenant

2020 Winter
Delete TenantJSON
2020 Winter
Retrieve Metrics of a TenantJSON

Retrieves the current metrics of the specified tenant

2020 Winter

Request a List of RolesJSON

Gets all roles of the specified tenant

2020 Winter

Request a List of UsersJSON

Retrieves a list of all users of the specified tenant. As 2021 Autumn, the list can be filtered by applying query parameters.

2020 Winter
Create  a UserJSON

Creates a new user with the given properties for the specified tenant.

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Data of a UserJSON

Retrieves the data of the user specified by tenant and id.

2020 Winter
Update the Data of a UserHTTP status code

Update the data of the user specified by tenant and id.

2020 Winter
Delete a UserHTTP status code

Deletes the specified user of the specified tenant.

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Number of UsersTXT

Retrieves the number of all users of the specified tenant

Endpoints for Tenant Administrators

These endpoints can be used with the role YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN for role, group and user management. Administrative tenant-specific information can be retrieved as well.

HTTP Method
as of product version
PurposeResponse FormatDescription
2020 Winter
Retrieve the Tenant MetricsJSON

Retrieves the current metrics of the tenant

2020 Winter
Retrieve the RolesJSON
2020 Winter
Retrieve the Tenant data JSON

Retrieves the tenant data as given in the Keycloak identity provider for the tenant of the calling user.

2020 Winter

Retrieve a List of UsersJSON

Retrieves a list of all users. As 2021 Autumn, the list can be filtered by applying query parameters.

2020 Winter

Creates a new user with the given properties.

2020 Winter
Retrieve a UserJSON

Retrieves the data of the user specified by id.

2020 Winter
Update the Data of a UserHTTP status code

Updates the data of the user specified by id with the data passed in the request body in JSON format.

2020 Winter
Delete a UserHTTP status code

Deletes the user specified by id.

2020 Winter
Retrieve the Number of Users TXT

Retrieves the number of all users of the tenant.

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