PATCH /api/dms/objects/{objectId}

As of Versionproduct version 2019 Winter | component version 2019 Winter
Request MethodPATCH
Response FormatJSON
Required Permissionaction write and read
>> Roles and Role Sets

To update the metadata of a DMS object, send the request with the new metadata as request body and the ID of the DMS object as objectId.
Changes only those properties that are part of the request body. Properties that are missing in the request body are not changed by the update. A property value can be removed by sending null as the new value.

Most system properties cannot be updated by users. They are updated automatically by the repository if necessary. If the request metadata contains these system properties, their values must match the values of the current version.

For example, you could add the system property system:versionNumber with the value of the current version to the request metadata. Usually, the update attempt will be successful. However, if another update has changed the object in the meantime, which means that the system:versionNumber has been increased, your update attempt will fail.

As of 2022 Autumn, the optional query parameter waitForSearchConsistency can be added to the request URL. If not specified, the default value true is used.

Request HeaderContent-Type: application/json
Request Example

The new metadata is passed in the request body in JSON format.

	"objects": [{
		"properties": {
			"appEmail:subject": {
				"value": "again updated Bewerbungsunterlagen"
			"appEmail:cc": {
				"value": null

Result Example

The result is a JSON structure containing the updated metadata of the object identified by objectId.

	"objects": [{
		"properties": {
			"system:objectId": {
				"value": "cdc7095f-a5ce-486d-92a7-6d0955d969ee"
			"system:baseTypeId": {
				"value": "system:document"
			"system:objectTypeId": {
				"value": "appEmail:email"
			"system:createdBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:creationDate": {
				"value": "2018-01-26T15:21:170Z"
			"system:lastModifiedBy": {
				"value": "0d7fd0be-6a0b-4d3b-933c-25e0c4c5d794"
			"system:lastModificationDate": {
				"value": "2018-01-30T11:53:227Z"
			"system:versionNumber": {
				"value": 3
			"system:tenant": {
				"value": "tenant1"
			"system:traceId": {
				"value": "97a35859dbb4c435"
			"appEmail:from": {
				"value": "Garco Meissler <>"
			"appEmail:to": {
				"value": ["Dudreas Annkel <>"]
			"appEmail:subject": {
				"value": "again updated Bewerbungsunterlagen"
		"contentStreams": [{
			"contentStreamId": "2B797243-A1F5-11EA-A814-9FABD98CE7A7",
			"length": 173413,
			"mimeType": "message/rfc822",
			"fileName": "upload.eml",
			"digest": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
			"repositoryId": "repo252"