POST api/system/apps/{app}/schema/validate

As of Versionproduct version 2019 Winter | component version 2019 Winter
Request MethodPOST
Response FormatJSON
Required Permission

available if listed in authorization.accesses in authentication-prod.yml and the specified access condition is matched.

DescriptionThis endpoint is used to validate a schema file to be used for the application matching with the {app} path parameter. The result is returned to the user.
Request HeadersContent-Type: application/xml
Request Example
Response Example

The result is a JSON structure containing a validationErrors list, which could be an empty list.

200 - no validation errors, the schema has been updated
    "validationErrors": []
422 - there were validation errors, the schema was not updated
    "validationErrors": [
            "message": "Wrong base id. The base id of the system:document type definition 'appEmail:email' must be 'system:document', but it is 'system:folder'.",
            "serviceErrorCode": 2131
            "message": "Invalid property reference 'fromm' in type definition 'appEmail:email'.",
            "serviceErrorCode": 2132
            "message": "Invalid property reference 'ccd' in type definition 'appEmail:email'.",
            "serviceErrorCode": 2132