DELETE /api/dms/objects/{objectId}/tags/{name}

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Summer | component version 2020 Summer
Request MethodDELETE
Response FormatHTTP status code
Required Permissionaction write and read
>> Roles and Role Sets

To delete a tag of an object, send the request with the ID of the object as objectid and the tag name. The HTTP status code 200 OK is returned, if the tag was successfully deleted.

Furthermore, there is the possibility to set a traceid by means of the HTTP header: X-B3-TraceId. The tag is deleted only if the traceid indicated in the request matches the current traceid for the specified tag.

The successful tag deletion will be added to the audit trail.

As of 2022 Autumn, the optional query parameter waitForSearchConsistency can be added to the request URL. If not specified, the default value true is used.

Request Example

DELETE /api/dms/objects/insert-objectid-here/tags/tag1?traceIdMustMatch=true

Result Example

The result is a HTTP status code, if the tag was successfully deleted.

200 OK